Dear all,
At our dinner gathering last night, March 15, the originator of this news revealed "inadvertently" that our beloved classmate Bernard Yau Yu-kwong 邱宇光 "沙田柚" [with whom many hours of sandy pitch football was happily spent] had passed away 2-3 years ago due to contracting a deadly flu virus at that time while transiting Hong Kong on his way somewhere else. Apparently it only took 3 days from start to finish; it was so deadly.
Therefore, SADLY, it is that time again - please see my AMENDED FILES ATTACHED.
Bernard - belatedly and with apologies, we all grief & commemorate your passing and I take solace in the thought that you are now resting in eternal peace in God's embrace !!!
With brimming eyes, from one of your sandy pitch soccer mates,
P.S. As the inadvertent revealor of this information so correctly remarked - he is under no obligation to keep me (or any WYK62) informed.