Class 1967
From Ed Chung '67
Horace Lam '67 visiting Taipei from Ottawa 台北圓山大飯店共晉午餐
Class of '67 organized a lunch gathering with David Tse (3rd from the right) who is visiting from Australia.
The gathering coincides with Wino Lunch of which many from Class of '67 are regular participants.
Lee Ming Kai, Christopher 李銘啟 (1967) from Los Angeles is in town, having lunch with some WYK67ers (From left: Christopher Lee, Tim Kwan and Ron Tse).
Alex Chiu 趙鳳儔 ('67) was in town, joining a lunch on May 21 with some WYK alumni including Andrew Tang (left) and Jeff Mah (middle).
First post Covid dinner at Macau Jockey Club, Hong Kong 29 March 2023
Clement Lee '69 (left) son of our late teacher Mr Lee Hoi-Chow, visiting Hong Kong from California met with John Loo '67 March 2023.

Visitation will be held on Thursday, February 2nd 2023 at 11:30 AM at the Valley of the Temples Trousdale Chapel (47-200 Kahekili Hwy, Kaneohe, HI 96744). A funeral service will be held on Thursday, February 2nd 2023 at 12:00 PM at the same location. A burial will be held on Thursday, February 2nd 2023 at 2:00 PM at the Valley of the Temples Memorial Park (47-200 Kahekili Hwy, Kaneohe, HI 96744).