Dinner6Apr18 001

[Please click the image to view the happy moments.]

Dear all,
April found the WYK62 HK chapter having a dinner gathering at Li Yue Mun for a seafood dinner. We were very happy to be able to enjoy the rare company of Albert & Yvonne Young who happened to be visiting HK at the time. Unfortunately, Dunson Cheng, who was also in town then, came down with the flu and had to cry off at the last minute - ditto Michael & Tracy Leung.
Kudos should be handed to - Henry Leung, whose connection at the venue plus his careful planning of the sumptuous menu of lip smacking goodies more than enhance the happy occasion. Not forgetting our very generous Michael, who, even though cannot attend, still provided the excellent wines, red & white, the glorious cake as well as transportation plus driver for 4 passenger, much much appreciated. Bravo & well done to both of you !
So, the 19 of us had a great time, as usual, and there are 32
photos in three batches to prove it ! Happy viewing,
P.S. Thanks also due to Poon Lai-yeung, who although not present, still helped by performing the editing of the finished pictures - much appreciated LY, thanks again !


Dear Alex and all classmates,

Thank you for Alex and folks in HK to organize this dinner.

I had a great time seeing old friends, engaging in great conversation and enjoying the beautiful dinner arranged by Alex and Henry. We also enjoyed the wonderful wines sent in by Micheal.

This was a fantastic gathering. Yvonne and I would like to do more of this kind of gathering when I can spare more time to visit HK or do it back in the US to get groups together for old times, new times and fun times.

We should enjoy life more; cherish our health; treasure our remaining intellects and promoting our cumulative wisdoms and life long experiences.

The beautiful and joyous pictures tell a great story about our dinner. So come back to HK more often or come and visit us in the West Coast for old times sake! That is an open invitation.
