2002 marked the year when Wah Yan College held the international conference in Toronto. It was also the year for World Cup Soccer. IC coincided with world soccer and this could only means chaos. The attendees for IC had one ear on the speech but the brains were dreaming of the soccer score. That proved all Wahyanites could multi-task.

The atmosphere was intense. The videos were concise and precise. The spirit was high.

We all wanted to get out of there and watch the final game in the lobby. That was the best conference I had been. We exchanged greetings. We welcomed each other’s endeavours and we lamented over the mis-happenings of our classmates.

We spent our lives search for comfort and support but nothing would match the friendship we built up during our adolescences. That was the true bonding which we should treasure. Somebody said it well, “classmates are the people who see us through life”. Not even our siblings would be able to achieve this.

With the above thoughts we made it our mission to seek out our long lost classmates and bring them in better contact.

We got the process going in 2002 after some wonderful advice from Francis Kwong. We were aware of the number of ’64 graduates in Toronto vicinity and we started building a data base. The networking was extended to cover all Canada. Then we reached our home base, Hong Kong. An Email list was created and we started sending messages out accordingly. It is funny what you can find if you ask. We got connected with classmates from US, Australia, even Indonesia and Hawaii. The idea of a class reunion was appreciated and we moved forward for our first class reunion in 2004, location – Hong Kong. We carried the tradition onto 2006, in Vancouver, 2008 in Hong Kong again, 2010 in Shanghai and this coming year 2012, we have the honour of hosting our class reunion in Toronto.

So look out world, here we come                                                        -  By David Wong