Class reunion I – 2004

Location: Hong Kong

It was never an easy job to get a common consensus in a group of people. We finally managed to anchor on a date. We choose Hong Kong because we felt the first reunion should be held at the place of origin.

The response was good from all the attending classmates. There were ones we would never recognize on the street but we shared a common interest. We were home.

It was fun sitting in a classroom again when we had our morning meeting. We exchanged our greetings and updated each other with our present status. We were all getting older but not much wiser. I kept looking for the guy who owed me marbles. I guessed he did not show fearing he would lose his marbles.

We had lunch at a nice hotel

We also had a gala dinner.

It was a pity we could not stay together that much longer but we will meet again.

We promised each other.                                                                                             - David Wong




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