Every year the Torontonian ’64 classmates celebrate Chinese New Year with a dinner. It is no exception this year.

We had our New Year’s celebration dinner on Friday 3rd February. 16 people showed up and all sat in one table.

For $30 each all inclusive (tax & gratuity), we had,

  1. 四寶大拼盤
  2. 五寶炖趐群
  3. 乳鴿 (四隻)
  4. 鴛鴦蝦仁蒸玉子豆腐
  5. 發菜蠔豉柱甫
  6. 上湯蒜子荳苗
  7. 中式牛柳
  8. 美極大龍蝦(兩隻, 大概十二磅)
  9. 金鉤魚肚浸時菜
  10. 羌蔥焗溫哥華蟹 (兩隻)
  11. 香妃走地雞 (一隻)
  12. 清蒸遊水雙青班
  13. 龍蝦羔蒸蛋
  14. 龍蝦羔炒飯
  15. 合時甜品

Front (from left to right): Sylvia Ng, Winnie Chan, Cecilia Chan, Anna Kwong, Kat Wong, Helen Chow, Lisa Lee

  Back (from left to right): 吳寶鑑, 林民耀, 陳敏然, 梁健明, 鄺漢芬, 陳景良, 王曙明, 鄒秉漢, 廖柱文

   As usual we enjoyed our dinner but most of all the company.