Cecil Li (李兆鏗) is in Hong Kong. Yesterday (22nd May) Ernest Ng ( 伍傑忠) arranged a welcome dinner at his Kowloon Tsai club and here is what Ernest had to say of this mini reunion dinner party,

“Cecil is visiting HK. We got together yesterday and had dinner at Kowloon Tsai Club. We talked about the silly things from the old days. For example it was I who gave Canice Mak his nick name Maidenfong. Also Dennis mentioned 無乃紀良妻 from our Chinese book; I think it was about you (Dominic 景良)”

As shown in the photo, they are 颜啟康, 張慶, 洪德仁

梁世達, 麥振芳, 伍傑忠, 李兆鏗, 黄智明, 陸慶奇