Class 1966
Articles and News of Class 1966
Class of 1966 held its Golden Jubilee Reunion in Hong Kong in November. Click here to see the pictures of Gala Dinner and here for the pictures shown during the evening (Nov 11).
(September 21) Please see the latest Class of 1966 Golden Jubilee program update.
The Class of 1966 is planning its Golden Jubilee Reunion which will be held in Hong Kong from Nov 06 through Nov 12. Click here to see the tentative agenda. For more information and inquiries, please contact
Ngan Po-Yee sitting with Mr. Ho again for the first time more than 54 years at a welcome lunch for Andrew Lau Po-Man from San Francisco on Friday, June 17, 2016.
Andrew writes,"Hi all,
It was truly a memorable few hours when we met for lunch. For me, it seems like a 50 years time capsule was re-opened. Speaking for Arthur, we are so glad to meet up with all of you. Words are not enough to express our gratitude that all of you would take time out to come and share this time with us. I treasure the occasion and now these pictures.
Arthur and I want to thank all of you and Raymond in particular who organized this re-union. If any of you are going to be in the Bay Area in the future, please make sure to let us know so we can get some of our other classmates together again.
For my '66 classmates, see you again in November. '67 classmates, until we meet agin. We will be on our way to Montreal in a few short hours, the time in Toronto will last forever. Thanks for the memory and do keep in touch.
[Lau & Wong brothers in 1967 A Grade Football Team.]
Raymond Kwong (66) has reserved a table for lunch with the Lau brothers when they will be in town to attend a wedding. It will be the first time after 50 years that they meet with their classmates.
[Please click the image to veiw the album of happy moments.]
Friday, June 17, 2016; 12:30 PM
Crown Princess Fine Dining (伯爵名宴), 1033 Bay Street, (416) 923-8784.
[There is underground parking at 44, Joseph Street as well as street parking. It is within walking distance from the Wellesley and Bay subway stations.]
Peter Li ('66), recipient of the Order of Canada, with Wahyanites in Hong Kong on 5 January 2016. Sitting from left David Chan ('67), Peter, Charles Kwan ('67), Ms Pauline Ng. Standing from left Kevin Ko ('66), Gabriel Yu ('69), Ignatius Tong ('68)
Peter sent us the follwoing poem today about a tree he planted in his backyard in Canada -
It was announced yesterday that Peter Li will be invested as a Member of The Order of Canada in 2016.
The Order of Canada, one of the highest civilian honours, was established in 1967, Canada’s centennial year, to recognize outstanding achievement, dedication to the community and service to the nation.
Vancourver Sun, December 30, 2015; Here is his website in his former university.
Here are his poems in our Blog site.
[Alumni awarded with Order of Canada : SL Kong (53), Philip Lee (60), Tak Wah MAK (62)]
Peter Li to a group of CLC friends 2 Jan 2016 - I managed to publish my collection of Chinese poetry earlier this year (楓林晚照 詩詞集). The book has 200 Chinese poems of mine, mostly Ci, written over the past 25 years....
I select two here for your interest, both to reminisce friends of old.
江城子 翻閱三十年前香港中學時代舊友贈言錄 1996.6.13
少年不識志難酬,論高謀,說春秋。當日贈言,墨跡至今留。三十年前隨浪去,昔翠貌,變秋愁。 無情舊月照西樓。譽沉浮,繭絲囚。殘雨聲聲、長夜未能休。只見飛鴻泥印爪,從此去,不回頭。
臨江仙 中秋在即懷念故人 2015.9.25
寂寞陽台秋色晚,又是楓葉鮮紅。當年歡樂暢杯中。笑聲剛遠處,相遇正情濃。 別後時光人易改,月明依舊春風。斷詞片字附歸鴻。嫦娥奔月去,銀海照芳蹤。
1994年9月, 跟茂生和我相熟的一位香港好友, 告訴我茂生逝世的消息, 那時茂生正值壯年, 我萬分驚異, 簡直不敢相信。1987年他赴美後, 我在港, 他在美; 我教英語, 他教中國語文和文學, 專業學術研究。 我們不常來往, 但他每經過香港多會和我聚一聚。1990年我一家四口到過加州戴維斯市 (Davis) 探訪他和范光中女士新婚倆口子。約在92, 93年, 他往上海做實地考察, 我們又匆匆地見了一次面, 怎知道那是最後的一面。
浪淘沙 李勝生詞