Dear WYK Schoolmates of 1967 Class:

Greetings!  Hope all is well with you. 

2017 is a special year for the 1967 WYK Class because of the 50th year anniversary.  Presumably, not every one living outside of Hong Kong may be able to return in early November this year to attend the big celebration there.  The schoolmates here in this part of the world are organizing a mini reunion in Toronto on Wednesday Dec 27, 2017.  The target or intended participants include (but not limited to) the 1967 schoolmates living in GTA, Eastern Canada, anyone who is willing to travel to Toronto to join us, and WYK teachers.  This 50th anniversary celebration will be in the form of a dinner in the evening at the restaurant in the Mon Sheong Court on Steeles Avenue East (at Midland Avenue).   Significant others and spouses are also most welcome to join this activity.

We would greatly appreciate your preliminary response via e-mail to me.  Your early indication would facilitate the planning process.  Please also state how many people will attend the dinner.

We sincerely hope that you would not miss this once-in-a-lifetime “local” 50th anniversary.  Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Daniel Ho