
Don Chen:                                                                                                       24/09/2013

槍文國新進德州 Senator, Ted Cruz, 近日風頭勁爆,因為他領導茶黨,保守派議員,扯大旗反對 Obama care.  發誓不成功,便成仁。政府關門大吉一齊死。



Ted Cruz 先生 Princeton bachelor 畢業,再而就讀哈佛法律系。 



Ted Cruz 先生在哈佛大學讀法律時,讀書交朋友只限 Princeton, Yale 或 哈彿三學校上來的,他從來不跟次級長青藤學校的同學一起讀書,例如:Brown, U Penn, Dartmouth ..(資料來源,NBC news) 

更不用說 HKU 上來的了。 



Arthur Cheung :

As a politician, rather successful as he seems to be, he must have changed his ways?

David Ho :

This is all a matter of packaging. It takes a lot of showmanship to be a politician ! 


Arthur Cheung :

Is it a case of a '串人' acting as politician or a politician acting as '串人'? 


David Ho :

A politician will do whatever it takes to achieve political purposes.


Arthur Cheung :

That's a very bold statement, but may represent the views of many. I guess this may be another way of saying what many people also believe - the end does not always justify the means. We expect a high moral standard from our politicians, especially those who are the leaders, but we also expect them to perform. They also need courage to be one, since public perception of them is so negative. This is a rare combination of qualities, even among billions. Just some thoughts for sharing.


John Chan :

Dear Arthur,   You are a perfectionist.  To me, most politicians are assxxxxx and they say things that they don't even believe themselves...sigh.... 


Herbert Ho :

John,   Some shameless politicians even do things they criticize others do! 


John Chan :

Dear Herbert,   Very good point. Sad but true...sigh... 


Arthur Cheung :

Dear John,   Your sentiment is certainly shared by many with justification. I don't know whether you would agree that politicians, local or in other "democracies", have one of the most complex "job" (calling it a job without any intention to demean it), if not the most complex. You may also not disagree that the quality of the politicians in some part reflects their society at large, its values, divisions, external influences etc. In HK or indeed elsewhere with elections, there is no going back to the rule by bureaucrats under an appointed or non-elected leader.

As Churchill has famously said as early as 1947: "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."

Let's keep a vigilant watch over these politicians.


Don Chen :

Ted Cruz has been talking on the senate floor for 20 more hours.

As I get up in the morning, he is still talking.


Making me think of some guys played a long long tennis match in Wimbledon couple years ago. 


Arthur Cheung :

Is he still talking or is he in hospital?

Edmond Wong :

Over 21 hrs of lips flapping but still failed to achieve his objective (if he had one), and made a lot of enemies in the process.  What a loser?  He doesn't appear to be as smart as he claimed to be.

Arthur Cheung :

Thanks. Filibustering has to be a concerted effort, a relay. No wonder he failed. Sometimes it is simply a publicity stunt.

Thomas Shum :





Arthur Cheung :

Dear Thomas,  Thanks for the history. I am curious about using 政治家 to describe those dynastic ministers in Chinese history because we usually associate 政治 with modern politics and modern politicians. Unless of course we see politics as existing wherever there are people, all the more in a king's or emperor's court. In English, we have "statesman", meaning "person skilled, esp. one taking prominent part in management of State affairs or sagacious far-sighted practical politician", which would be an apt description of those state ministers. But in the modern context, we may describe a politician we approve of as a "statesman" or "政治家" and one we disapprove as a "政客" in Chinese, but what about in English? Just call him a "politician" as this sounds bad enough!? But does that mean a statesman-like politician is not a politician?


Don Chen :

 Sigh...politics, politicians... 

Let me talk about it. I recorded this true story with a touch of salt and pepper. 

If interested, please take a look of "激情".  Hope you can get some laughter out of it.  



Terence Leung :






至於CY 此人,不談也吧! 


Thomas Shum :

Dear Arthur:   政治一詞,一般用來指政府政黨等治理國家的行為;參與其事而有成就的,或者可以稱之為"家"了。中國古代那些賢相,襄助國君,處理朝政,為百姓謀福祉,而又成效彰顯的,從廣義論,稱之為政治家也無不可。當然,古代的政治環境沒有近代的那麼複雜多變,現在要成為一位出色的政治家殊不容易。





至於" is a statesman-like politician not a politician ?" 我認為" a statesman-like politician is still a politician "。如果我說" 要觀其言而又察其行,用一個普世人都認定的標準去決定其身份誰屬" 又似乎有點牽強,還是另請高明去解答吧。

Ps : 如果這個話題太過嚴肅,悶死人的話,不如到此為止,換過另外一個有趣點的吧。


Thomas Shum :

Dear Terence,  謝補充宋史資料,兄本會計界翹楚,但文史水平之高,令小弟這個科班出身的頗感汗顏。弟移民美國後,已二十多年沒有真正掂過文史書籍了。國史知識倒退到中三程度,幾乎連朝代順序也攪不清楚。平時寫東西又経常執筆忘字,錯别字又多。近來多寫電郵,只不過想多些練習,否則筆桿生蟲後,更加懶得會去執筆字了。但有時又會講多錯多,古語云:吉人之詞寡。(已忘了它的出處及原義)似乎少言、慎言都是好事。



Arthur Cheung :

Thank you Thomas for your insight. I agree with you entirely, especially that it is a boring subject. The point that really bothers me is "politician" is clearly, as you seem to agree, not equivalent to "政客". I wonder then what is its best English equivalent. Any idea from anyone?

Fred Yip :

Dear Arthur,   A close English equivalent for "政客" could well be provided by William Safire, a Pulitzer-winning author and the American master on the use of political language, expressions, catchwords and slogans. In his magnum opus, ”Safire’s New Political Dictionary – The Definitive Guide to the New Language of Politics”, he defines a professional politician as one who is ‘usually a technician without ideology’.  Another approximation that I can think of is a political careerist. Obviously, I defer to Safire’s choice anytime. Mr. Safire passed away in 2009, at the age of 79. He used to be a regular guest and commentator on NBC’s “Meet the Press”.

So this is my two cents worth on the topic, which has aroused quite a bit of heated and interesting discussions among us. What I find particularly refreshing are the contributions made by Terence Leung and Thomas Shum on certain parts of Chinese history, which has eluded me for well over forty years. However, being a student of some of best language teachers at WYK, I will forever embrace the beauty and versatility of the Chinese as well as the English language.


John Chan :

Dear All,  You guys are just amazing. Learnt so much just from reading your emails. Well done and keep it coming.


Pius Lee :

I agree with John, I am learning a lot.


Thomas Shum :




Stephen Sit :



薛漢文 發牙痕于芝加哥 


Arthur Cheung :

Thank you Fred for your contribution.  政客 is such a popular derogatory Chinese term for politicians, in the local media and indeed among so many of us in our emails that it has become almost an equivalent for politicians in general. It seems a politician is either a 政治家 (rarely), or is a 政客! There is nothing in between at all. This is sad. A not so established term is 政治人. 

Whilst professional politician and political careerist may not quite carry the negative connotations that 政客 has acquired, likewise we don't seem to have a Chinese term that can quite capture politician as a participant in politics in a formal constitutional set up. 

It would be interesting to study whether and how our political views are affected by the range or paucity of even some very common expressions. 


Don Chen :


無意拋磚引玉,無意閒聊政客,只想講下Ted 仔的 「驕傲」人格。(他度過的大學生涯,只與耶魯,哥倫比亞,哈佛的同學一起讀書,其餘生人勿近。) 

咁都得?串過馬X ! 


岑兄文筆之順暢,如高山流水,半年前一句「搏殺第一,友誼第尾」把我挑落馬下。今天來一曲「洛城賞月」令人蕩氣迥腸。岑兄的文氣直衝雲霄, 有如太空船漫遊太空,船身裝飾詩詞歌賦,富麗堂皇。船倉載史書萬卷,久遠流長。

大會計梁兄文筆沉實穩健,在遠征聖人家鄉,帶鬼行街途中,「四天內要跑遍山東,共二千里」(quote) , 應酬書記領導共食共飲最是攞命。他百忙之中抽出時間,為 ”半部論語” 補充资料,难能可貴。梓堅兄乃計數人,但熱愛儒家文化,熟讀「論語」.  他是我最尊敬的同學之一。 

當然還有文豪 Chris 兄,他沒有參加討論。想必是忙碌為他的「子貓物語」寫稿。Chris 兄知識之廣,讀書之多,無人能及。香江才子陶傑講歷史,也俾 Chris 點出錯誤。我每日都去他的「靚貓棚」遊覽。他的見解,我應該知道。兩年前, Chris在他博客,推薦小弟一篇「葡京沙圈行」講雞文章。到今天,在谷歌搜索,如果打入 '葡京沙圈'  四字、小弟竟然名列首榜。

常常與 Chris 兄通郵件。subject 僅一個,"question", 我的question。兄有問必答。謝謝。 

柏年兄的英文我一早领教。我寫小兒申请学校 ”金榜题名”,他回复英文長信,字字珠璣。今天又来了 Arthur 張同學。他們兩人與大總管的英文水凖讓我慚愧對 Fin 叔。如岑兄言,要査字典。我的英文仍然停留在「I am a boy, you are a girl.」的水平缐上。 

其實我這半唐番,也略識一二。柏年所提到的 William Safire, 這位共和黨文膽大作家,他的文章我曾經拜讀好多。提出這點,是我怕同學誤會了我這幾十年來,在唐人街賣豬肉謀生。 







Thomas Shum :



Don Chen :


