Yesterday four of us, Edmond and wife Ann, my wife Eva and I, visited Ho Sir. When we arrived at the hospital about 7pm, Joe Chan was there already. Together with his two daughters we gathered around Ho Sir's bed. We told him about news of the US midterm elections and talked about old Wah Yan days. He understood what we said but was too weak to speak. He couldn't move his hands or fingers to communicate. Later we discovered a way to let him join in our chat: because he could move his feet, we asked him to move his foot to mean 'yes', and not to move to mean 'no'.

Around 8pm a younger alumnus and wife came to visit Ho Sir. His name's Alan (I am not sure I get his name correct but I remember he said that he's born in 1984). Then Don Chen sent his poem written for Ho Sir, and recited it so that he could listen. (Ho Sir couldn't read now.) I asked Ho Sir, '' Will you give Don an A for his poem?'' He eagerly moved his foot to signal 'yes'. We left around 8:30pm.

~ Chan Sui Man ('71) on Nov 8