謹訂於 二零一零年十一月二十九日(星期一)下午三時正 假座香港教育學院文化與創意藝術學系展覽廳舉行"新水墨畫運動的搖籃"畫展暨研討會開幕典禮 (按此參閱詳情).
From Mr. Laurence Tam in Hong Kong, "I consider this exhibition to be the most important one, because it signifies that the Cradle teaching method has finally been endorsed by the education institution for the training of teachers. This time, the exhibition is all in Chinese, because it is meant for the primary and secondary school teachers in Hong Kong.
I am glad the Hong Kong Institute of Education has taken up this Wah Yan Kowloon students' painting exhibition rather seriously, as they have planned a formal seminar "中國美術教育的承傳" to remind art teachers as well as teachers of art teachers in Hong Kong their responsibilty in giving an opportunity for their Chinese students to learn during their school years about the basics of the gems of Chinese culture, of which ink painting is one. They have invited several top experts in today's art education field as speakers in the seminar."
From Wong Chi-Kin (72) (Secretary, Organising Committee of WYK Chinese Ink Painting Exhibition),
"You are cordially invited to be present at the opening ceremony of "The Cradle" exhibition that we organised jointly with The Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd).
The exhibition will be opened at 3 p.m. in the Art Gallery of the HKIEd on 29 November, 2010, immediately followed by a Seminar with art education experts as speakers. The Seminar is also held at HKIEd. The Exhibition will be held until 30 December 2010. If you could not attend the opening ceremony, you are most welcome to come to the exhibition on some other days till Dec30.
As well, please note that HKIEd is located at Tai Po. There are shuttle bus services running from Chinese University railway station; please click here to see more details about the shuttle schedule. (Note that you do not need to show student/staff's identity cards.)
If you need invitation cards for inviting friends to the exhibition, do let us know and provide us with your postal address and the no. of cards required.
Look forward to seeing you all on Nov 29 opening ceremony and/or the exhibition.
Do not hesitate to contact any of us if you have difficulty getting to the exhibition venue (HKIED). My mobile number is 9101-2282 (or drop me a quick email by
Mr Tam had said earlier,
"I am glad to tell you that the exhibition of the Chinese ink paintings done by our WYK students over 40 years ago under the title "The Cradle of New Chinese Ink Painting Movement 新水墨畫運動的搖籃" (hereinafter as "The Cradle") has aroused tremendous interest in the art education sector, not only in Hong Kong, but also in China and overseas. As you may know, the exhibition was first presented in the HK City Hall in 2006 as a WYK past students' activity. We would never have expected that the teaching method introduced in "The Cradle" exhibition has then been taken as an innovation in Chinese art education in Chinese art history, and later invited for further showing in 6 major cities, including HKU, and CU in Hong Kong, Toronto U, and Youths' Palaces in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou in the subsequent three years. When the exhibition was held in Toronto, one of the Parliament Members after viewing the show made a formal statement at the Parliament on the exhibition, inviting all Members of the Parliament to go to see the show.
Because Chinese ink painting was formerly taught through the method of copying, it has long been neglected by modern school art educators. As a result, there are few art teachers teaching Chinese ink painting in schools today. In "The Cradle" method practiced by WYK students 40 years ago, thanks to the liberal education system of the Jesuit Society, students learnt to grasp the brushwork skill without copying the works of the teacher. They learned to experiment and create in their first Chinese ink painting lesson. Hence, the 45-year old WYK method has been taken by art educators today as the model for reviving the status of Chinese ink painting, which is the gem of Chinese culture, in modern art education system. Efforts are now being made to encourage more art teachers to teach Chinese ink painting in Visual Arts lessons in secondary and primary schools in Hong Kong and in China. I have been invited by HK Education Bureau to give lectures on the subject to in-service Visual Arts teachers several times. Last June, I was invited to Beijing to give a lecture on the exhibition and its teaching method at the Beijing Polytechnic University at a symposium organized by the Ministry of Culture of China.
This is the reason why "The Cradle" exhibition will soon be held again in Hong Kong, this time jointly presented by Wah Yan College, Kowloon and the Hong Kong Institute of Education. The exhibition will be opened at 3 p.m. in the Art Gallery of the HKIEd on 29 November, 2010, immediately followed by a Seminar with art education experts as speakers. The Seminar is also held at HKIEd. The Exhibition will be held until 30 December 2010."