Updated 2012-12-09

五年前,我們由九龍華仁起步,跨過重重鬧市,步行到香港華仁,見證了”華仁一家為將來”籌款活動(Dream of Wah Yan Campaign)的開始。五年來,多少華仁仔一起努力不懈,只為了籌募更多款項,讓母校能夠持續提供優質教育,孕育更多有知識、肯承擔、能夠立己助人的下一代。

五年後的12月,將會是Dream Campaign突破首階段目標的日子,我們期望召集最多的華仁仔再次走在一起,見證這個歷史時刻,分享達標的喜悅,無分彼此,華仁一家。

12月22日香港會議展覽中心Hall 5BC,”譚校長與譚校長”音樂會2012,如果你尚未購票,請即電2511 3729或瀏覽www.wahyanonefamily.org/concert-2012.html訂票。各位心繫華仁的師兄弟,你的出席將成就華仁新的一頁。


Updated 2012-09-24

Click here to visit the Facebook page on the concert.

Dear Wahyanites, 

Greetings from The Wah Yan One Family Foundation! We would like to report to you our progress thus far. As at end of March 2012, we had raised $94 million for the Dream of Wah Yan Campaign. Since 2009, more than $32 million has been appropriated to the two Wah Yan Colleges to implement small class teaching, teacher formation and whole person development activities for our young Wahyanites. 

Under the new 3-3-4 secondary school curriculum, our Schools need much more resources to provide extra care and support to help our senior form students cope with the requirements of the new public examination, The Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (香港中學文憑). The Foundation is going to appropriate $7.5 million each year to help our Schools sustain our Dream for our young boys in the next five years. Nonetheless this is not enough, because our Schools have estimated that they need around $13 million each year in the coming years. 

Facing this imminent need, the Foundation will set out to raise more fund to continue our support to the Schools. The highlight of our fundraising initiatives this year is the Alan Tam WYOFF Fundraising Concert, scheduled to be held on Saturday, 22nd December 2012 at Hall 5B&C, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Mr. Alan Tam Wing Lun, Hong Kong’s top pop artiste, will perform with our alumni and boys to help Wah Yan. We need you and your classmates to support the Concert, so that we can raise as much as possible for our young boys. 

We have also revamped our website recently. Now please click: www.wahyanonefamily.org to view the reports from Fr Deignan and our Principals on the needs of our Schools. Meanwhile, please circulate this message to your Schoolmates to alert them that we need to work closer together to help our young Wahyanites. We will visit you and your classmates to explain the detail soon. 

Thank you and your selfless support means everything for the good of Wah Yan! 

Best wishes,
