一個喜訊!  本月九日下午四時,到依利莎伯醫院探譚SIR。午睡剛起來,看來面色透紅,精神亦好。交談近況,又以其手機顯示在院中三餐,輕鬆地解釋餐前餐後的錄影. . . 食量也不少。同聲說吃得是福。師母謂譚SIR今番入院是清清肺中積水,應無大問題。交談間還主動要與我們合照。附上照片至希代發給同學們。


Tam Sir writes, "The lady on the right side of the photo is Mrs Margaret Wu, the wife of Pak Lee's teacher in Lingnam School painting, Woo Yu Kay.   胡雨基 is a student of 趙少昂。
Yesterday, 吳天海, 饒恩賜 and 葉嘉安 of Class 1969 paid me a surprise visit at QEH. They brought along some very beautiful flowers for me.  Click here for the photos."