About WYK
"To All Wah Yan Chapters,
Many thanks for your hard work and dedications, without which we could not have made it at the Concert. Now all the press coverage and videos had been uploaded to our website: http://www.wahyanonefamily.org/2014-and-beyond.html. Please feel free to share this info with your schoolmates, friends and family members. Again our heartfelt thank-you for your support.
Best wishes,
Monty Fong. "
[(WYK, 1983), Chief Executive of Wah Yan One Family Foundation]
兩所華仁書院 90/95 周年校慶首三輪的活動,包括百萬行、校慶感恩晚宴及耶穌會教育論壇,在獲得超過 3,500 名舊生、學生、家長、教職員及各方好友參與下已經完滿結束。活動中我們到處都看到,與會者都帶著燦爛的笑容握手相敬、深情的問好。手足之情以及團結之心...洋溢於整個校園及不同的網上社交平台上。
籌款方面,我們至今收到的捐款約為港幣 2,000 萬元,遠遠低於 6,000 萬元的籌款目標。最終能夠籌得的款項多少,將決定我們能否於未來五年在兩所華仁繼續推行小班教學及全人發展活動,對在校的華仁仔影響深遠。為此,我們謹向大家呼籲繼續支持捐款,並將此重要的訊息傳揚開去。籌款音樂會是連串校慶活動的壓軸環節,將會於 2015 年 8 月 1 日(星期六)晚上 8 時正假香港體育館舉行。屆時兩華之管弦樂團、中樂團、合唱團、家長、舊生及神父將會為大家送上精采演出。知名歌手李克勤校友以及陳美齡小姐更會與一眾華仁仔同台演出。請各位一起出席,支持這五年一度難得的盛事。
Saturday, 10.01.2015: 1300-1700; Sunday, 11.01.2015: 1000-1600
Former Director, Simon Cheng (1995), delivered WYKAAO report on Day 1.
Please click the images to view photos from IC2014 FB.
Terence Leung (71), the Honorary Auditor of WYKPSA, reports that there are 80 tables. The most senior Class Table is Class 1968.
More photos have been added to the album.
The dinner was successfully held at WYK on Saturday, Dec. 6. Please click the image to view the first pictures from WYK FaceBook and those sent in by Wahyanites.
泱泱我校華仁風 Those Wah Yan Days and Ways, Generous and Broad
[Please click here to read the document]
祝母校長青 May the alma mater be evergreen,
師健學弟勤 The teachers in good health and the students diligent in spirit.
煌煌教育業 Glorious is the educational enterprise.
薪火代代傳 May the torch be passed on from generation to generation.