About WYK
Extracted from Signum Volume 2 (2012-2013).
Waving Farewell to the Principal
Having joined the College in March 2009, Principal Dr. Tan Kang John is going to leave his post at the end of the 2012-13 academic year – the headship of WYK will be transferred after he has completed his service in WYK for 54 months. He shared his pathway as the core of the school authority and his earnest advice for Wahyanites. ...(read the whole story)
「哪裏有需要,就往哪裏去」,這是1979年畢業舊生鍾衞良去年決定透過公開招聘投考九龍華仁書院校長的理念。鍾候任校長掌管九華之前,任慈雲山聖文德書院校長,事實上,他的教學及教育行政經驗相當豐富,他自1985年起教書至今共二十八年,曾當副校長十年、校長五年。 ...(閱讀全文)
本年度《華粹》Signum 第二期已出版。各位可以於官方網站閱讀電子版:http://signum.wyk.edu.hk/past_volumes/v2_201213
Please click here to read the letter to alumni from Fr. Stephen Chow, S.J., on the recent Hong Kong media coverage about WYK.
Please click here to read the invitation and the enrollment form for the happy event.
Father Mallin taught in WYK in 1957~59, 60~69 and 70~71.
Father Coghlan interviewed him in 2012, "....I recalled for him the fact that very soon he would be celebrating his ninety-ninth
birthday..." Continue reading.
"This is Joseph Ng ('80), a tennis player from Wah Yan College, Kowloon. I am extremely pleased to learn that you are doing OK, and I will be passing this piece of great news to the Wahyanites I know.
For your information, a good number of us from the WYK tennis team in the 70s & 80s had founded the Fr. Finneran Memorial Fund helping out the WYK tennis team. We clinched 3rd place this year in the Inter-School Tennis Championship in Division I, but most important of all, we kept up the good training programme and passed what we have learned from Fr. Finneran, Mr. Francis Kong and you and teach the young wahyanites to be a "good man", and men for others."
Issue 12 of the Wah Yan Times is now online. Please click here to read the Principal Designate's pledge to bring a new beginning to WYK. The current grass football pitch will be renovated to an artificial turf pitch...to be completed in 2014...
(綜合報道)(星島日報報道)九月接任九龍華仁書院校長的鍾衞良,操守受到現任校長陳岡質疑,更因此辭任當然校董,觸發一場校政風波。九華校監兼校董會主席周守仁昨會見全體教師後,主動向傳媒證實鍾衞良曾在兩年前被女生投訴,涉及「體罰及不適當身體接觸」,但平等機會委員會調查證實指控不成立。他承認鍾衞良在遴選期間無主動披露,校董會通過第三者舉報始知悉事件,但堅稱鍾沒有誠信問題。記者 梁子健
The following article is from Father Coghlan, "In October 2001 I spent eight days in Xavier Retreat House for my annual retreat. On previous occasions I have done my annual retreat in Xavier Retreat House, have had some holidays there and lived there for two years from 1959 to 1961. In this article I wish to share with Xavier House retreatants some of the glories of the house and Cheung Chau itself. I refer to the bird life of the island. The article is divided into three parts. Continue reading..."
"Father Naylor retired as a teacher after serving Wah Yan for 47 years. His last lesson was held at 9 o'clock in the morning of June 7th. Students across time came back to express their gratitudes and say the words of thanks to our beloved Father. Father Naylor is happy to see us all even we are not good at words. Dr. Allan So of Class 1981 posted on Facebook, 'Thank you so much for what you taught us. It changes the whole life of me. Thank you!' . We welcome our alumni to unveil more untold stories about Father Naylor through the social media platform." -- Benny Wan (81)
Please click here to see the lesson.
Father Coghlan wrote in the eighties, ".... I have identified thirty seven different kinds of birds in Wah Yan .... to join their friends in the freedom of Wah Yan....
I would like to share with my readers some of the joy and pleasure I experience from seeing and hearing so many birds all through the year....
My fond hope is that some of my readers will begin to explore the beauty of the bird life of Wah Yan.... I promise you loveliness all the days of your life."
Click the image to read the whole article.