Enrolment Update (2013-10-04)
Further to our urgent call on 17 Sep, we would like to report to you that we have received some enrolments and donations from alumni, parents and students. Unfortunately, we are yet to achieve the 400-runner target. Therefore, we would like to extend the enrolment deadline to Thursday, 3 October 2013 to facilitate further enrolments. Please enrol (click: http://www.wahyanonefamily.org/marathon-2014.html or use the this form). Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Wah-Yan-One-Family-Foundation/289008117781647.
It will be a very noble order if you could help us gather 400 runners. Many thanks again for your support. Let's Run for and With Others!
今屈渣打馬拉松將於2014年2月16日舉行。過去六年,華仁一家都有組隊參賽,為兩所華仁籌得超過600萬善款。來到第七個年頭,我們今年希望能召集400名跑手參與在6時30分開始的第2組10公里賽事,藉此為兩所華仁體育發展籌取100萬港元善款。可惜,十六歲以下的華仁仔於今年不獲大會批准參加。因此, 我們的籌款及人數目標正面對嚴峻考驗。
我們已經積極鼓勵高年級的同學及各位老師報名。在此,我們謹向各位校友呼籲,加入我們的隊伍參加10公里賽事, 協助我們達到400人數的目標,否則我們將有機會不獲大會批准往後的參賽資格。更重要的是,這會嚴重打擊我們在校華仁仔的體育發展和奮進精神。
現時正處於水深火熱情況中,我們希望各位能為華仁出一分力。 如閣下及各華仁之友有意參加,請於9月30日或之前登入http://www.wahyanonefamily.org/marathon-2014.html 下載及填寫報名表格,連同費用寄交灣仔告士打道181號中怡大廈17樓收。查詢詳情,歡迎致電90929433方永康聯絡。
華仁的體育能否持續發展,盡繫在各位的援手之中。Let’s Run For and With Others!