WYKAAO Activities for 2017-2018 were finished off with a karaoke gathering at PolyArt Studio on Sunday December 16, 2018, followed by AGM and dinner at another location. Click here to see more pictures.
WYKAAO held its first karaoke gathering in 2018 on Sunday May 20 at PolyArt Studio, followed by a casual dinner at Golden Jade Restaurant. More gatherings are being planned for later in the year.
WYKAAO held its year-end karaoke gathering at PolyArt Studio on Sunday December 17, 2017. A couple of joint-school friends joined us for a fun-filled afternoon, followed by a casual dinner. Click here to see more pictures.
A few new faces joined our karaoke gathering at PolyArt Studio on a Sunday afternoon (Aug 6) followed by dinner at Golden Jade Restaurant. Click here to see more pictures and here for video clips.
We had our first Karaoke gathering in almost two years’ time, at our favourite venue PolyArt Studio on Sunday December 4, 2016. We have some new faces joining our interest group for a fun afternoon. Click here to see more pictures.
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We had another joyful and festive Karaoke Night on Thursday December 18, 2014 at our favourite venue PolyArt Studio. Click the images above to see the pictures and a short video clip.
Another Karaoke Night was held on Thursday February 27, 2014 at PolyArt Studio; click the image above to see a short video of the evening's happy moments.
Another Karaoke Night was held on Monday December 16 at PolyArt Studio. Despite less than perfect weather and road conditions, a group of WYKAAO members, families and friends all had a relaxing and enjoyable evening. Click here to see more pictures.
A group of WYKAAO members, their families and friends with the same interest in singing gather together a few times a year for 'Karaoke Nights'. The latest one took place on Friday, Aug 16 at PolyArt Studio. Click here to see the pictures.
Please check back for the date of the next Karaoke Night.
For previous gatherings, please see the following:
2013-05 Joint-Schools Mini Karaoke and Dinner
2013-03 Karaoke After a Board Meeting