Episode 11  Back to London

What was remained to visit; we would cover during the last days in London. 

The Burrow Market is a super busy place to test and taste different kinds of food. It is hidden close to the London Bridge on Burrow High Street. It was an old spice market and it had been transformed into a test ground for different kinds of food and food concepts. It was packed with people when we arrived and already people were walking and eating at the same time. There were skewer stands, fresh mint tea, curry food stands, burgers, Panini sandwiches; all of them were equally received with joy. The fruit stands were selling juice, fruit cut-up fruits to quench the thirst of hungry customers. The ice cream stands, the pancake stalls, together with sugar coated nuts; were all appearing in their best forms. It is a food heaven. You can stay there and start eating from dawn to dusk without skipping a beat. There was also Malaysian fried noodles; paella cooked in huge pans [this time is 4 paella pans together], salt beef sandwiches, all of this looked tempting and smell terrific.                

 We headed back to the hotel. It was late and we needed to get ready for an early flight going to our favourite city – Florence. 

In our hotel, there was a young server who looked after us during breakfast. She was Eastern European decent. She was a law student in her own country but she did not foresee any bright future there. With her boy friend who was an IT man, they ventured to London. Jobs were easier to find and the money was better. Their idea was to work hard, saved enough money and then moved back home and used their savings to start an more comfortable life. It was a bold move and she could afford such a move. Whether she could save enough money for the life back home might be a different story. At least she tried and I gave her a lot of credit for it.

London is filled with people with different dreams and you can find stories everywhere. I needed sleep so I could catch the early plane to Florence. 

Averedecci London.