Episode 15 -- Mangi, Mangi. 

We wanted local food. Little restaurants that have local flavour and loved by local people would suit our purpose well. We asked the front desk of our hotel. Luigi is 69 years old. He is single and he keeps working to support his 94 years old mother. Italian people are also facing a sliding economy. Extended retirement age is rather common these days. Luigi has a healthy attitude. He works because he is capable. He does not want to waste his days drinking l’espresso, eating pasta and waiting to die.

We talked over a few things and it was just like talking to an old friend. He told me about this little restaurant at the junction of 3 streets and the food is fabulous.  

We celebrated our 
42nd anniversary dinner on an outside patio. There were other people dining and they saluted us and sent us congratulations.


 This is Lasagne.                                      Antipasto of Pomodoro e bococinni cheese 

It must be the climate and the soil. The tomatoes are sweet and juicy. It is like eating fruits. The mozzarella or boconcinni cheese is made of buffalo milk and they have a different kind of creaminess of their own. When a combination of tomato sauce and mozzarella is used to make pizza, it is a perfect match. The pizza crust is thin, slightly crispy, enveloping the taste of baked goods when the pizza is baked in a wooden stove.



Fettuccini and clams

The hardest part of making this dish is to prevent the clams from overdone. Clams overcook can be rubbery and if undercooked, it tasted raw fish. The seafood broth has to be made first, clams add at the very last. Once it is done, toss the fettuccini with the sauce and serve immediately. It is a healthy dish and I could stay there and eat all day.