2014 Jan 06 in Toronto 

(English below)

一片溜冰場                .....    清晨

一條條冰柱                .....    早上

一片蒼茫暮色             .....    下午五時

一陣陣風起                 ....     入夜

一勾明月                    ....     晚上十時

一個(可能)創新紀錄 ....... 今晚零下25C (加風效,零下35C 至 40C)

今次 Polar Vortex 帶給多倫多持久變幻多端之blast.... 

§  來得意外、來得太早、來得太久!

§  未進冬日便來了(一三年十二月廾一日);今天才是一月六曰、還有兩旬多才到隆冬。 

預測還有數天才可見正常的溫度(or, better, 寒度)。真的會回復正常嗎?


Ø  Skating rink....early morning

Ø  Stalactites.....morning

Ø  Depressing twilight....5 p.m.

Ø  Wind rising....evening

Ø  Bright quarter moon....10 p.m.

Ø  Record-breaking (likely) temperature.....tonight -25C (with windchill factor, -35C to -40C).

This continual icy blast from the Polar Vortex brought fluctuating unpredictable weather...


It caught us off guard.  It came too early.  It lasted for too long.


The Arctic cyclone and ice came before the Winter Solstice.  Mid winter is still 20+ days from today.

The weather forecast has it that normal winter temperatures would be returning end of the week.

That is still a big question mark.