Song to the Moon          給月亮之歌 

Lyrics as sung by Renee Fleming              江紹倫譯

Moon in the dark heaven                               黑夜裡的明月
Your light shines far                                      你的光芒遠照
You roam over the whole world                    你遊遍全世界
Gazing into human dwellings                         窺視萬眾人家
Moon linger for a moment                             月亮請稍留步
Tell me where my beloved is                         告我愛人所在 

Tell him silvery moon                                    銀月請告訴他
That my arms reach out to him                      我雙手伸向他
Hoping that for a brief moment                     希望即使瞬間
He will dream of me                                      他於夢中見我

Shine on him wherever he is                          請照耀他不論在何方
Tell him of the one who awaits him               告訴他有我等候着他 

If a human soul should dream of me               如果有人與我夢中相會
May he remember me on awakening              願他醒後緊記夢裡的我
O Moon do not fade away                               月亮    請不要從此消失