Episode 20        In search of the best Lasagne 

During our last visit to Florence, we were told by the tourist guide to visit this little restaurant. He claimed this food place had the best lasagne and it is bianco – white. [Normal lasagne uses red tomato sauce.] We were delighted with the result. The pasta was silky smooth, the sauce with rich and fragrant, the cheese layered inside was moist and smooth, and the sauce had this pearly shin that demanded adoration. 

We wanted to go there to taste this wonder again. 

Both of us could have sworn the little restaurant was in the piazza of the Duomo. There was a landmark of two leather shops right beside a little alley way where we found our restaurant. The entrance of the restaurant was small, but the inside housed a few levels of seating. A lot of locals ate here. They drank their wine and talked about the weather with the servers.

We covered all directions of the Cathedral. We used all the doors as starting points and walked towards the sidewalks. We found a lot of long waiting lines. Some wanted to go inside the church. Some wanted to go up to the dome. Some just wanted to go. It was exciting as it could be but we did not find the alley way nor the restaurant.


 The dome of the Cathedral at a distance!            The face of the cathedral


                     Under the dome                                                             Zoom in

The dome is such a stunning piece of architecture that you would marvel at its details and design. 

The search made us hungry. The sun was hot and we were dying for food. It was hot and a full sun had no pity on us. We stopped by a tent and ordered Lasagne and beer. Outdoor restaurants often have a misting fan going when it is hot. The idea is to supply some moisture to keep patrons refreshed. The water would cool down the temperature quite a bit when you are having your hot lunch. 

After lunch, I was sleepy and we gave up looking for the Lasagne and went back to the hotel for siesta. 

This should not be the last of it yet. We came a long way and we were determined to find the restaurant. We started to have doubts about our memories.

Was the restaurant really in the Duomo square?
May be the restaurant had changed its name and served other food.
Was it in Florence we tried the Lasagne?  
May be it was in Spain where we tasted the lasagne.  
May be I was not on the trip.  
Then whom did I have lasagne with?

It might not be real but just thinking of another woman would be a deadly sin. 

Doubt and imagination can have devastating effect when used wildly. 

To-morrow, to-morrow we will find it!

“As God is my witness, I will never be hungry again!”