Dream….the dream of last night 

Encouraged by a friend’s words of today and upon reading another friend’s mention of his mixing the present, the past and the future tenses together in his writing, I decided to lift my pen and write today. 

(English follows Chinese) 















(1)  出外公幹:是我以前最喜歡的、因為這是我可以不用帶孩子的機會、可以鬆弛一下、是「自己」的時間。剛巧前天亦是我兒子外出公幹的日子。

(2)  套裝:是我上班不離之衣服;不論要走進董事室、還是上客戶的工廠、總不能不穿套裝高跟鞋。以前有人取笑它們說是我的禮服。

(3)  香港兒時地方:不論有多簡陋、有多「失禮」、總是不可忘懷的。如今樓去但舊址還在、很多時也去緬懷一番。

(4)  演說評審/過目:這是一貫的習慣;無論是上司、怎至客戶、在未發表之前、他/她們一定要知道內容、我不能使他們在眾人之前有驚訝。Bank of MontrealKaren對演說核閱是最嚴格執行的人。

(5)  與公司綱絡聯線:我曾是香港IBM的外顧員、IBM是不許「外人」以私人電腦作公事之用。

(6)  Clara:去秋和Clara到中國公幹了一次。現她竟成了我「出差」的同事。

(7)  準時、過時:因為今晨與我女兒相約好、所以在夢裡多睡了頓成不安。



Memories of the past, reminiscence, things we miss, things we can’t let go, things to keep in mind….all could weave together to form a dream. 

Dreams know time boundaries….past, present and future; people from different periods, from different worlds; things we have seen and those we haven’t can all blend together and surface in the same dream. 

Dreams are to be caught, but they are ‘uncatchable’.  When we wake up, they may vanish like vapour into the air. 

While I still remember my dream of last night, let me share with you this piece of time and space marvel. 


“Tomorrow there is a business trip.  I have to find a suitable wear.”  I said to myself. (1)

There I went…searching for my suit…a suitable suit….from the only wardrobe in that wooden-board-partitioned room.  I moved all the clothes stashed away in a large wrapping cloth in front of the wardrobe, opened the wardrobe door and searched for my attire.  Well, not many dresses or suits were hung inside.  Out of the few, I picked one…my office suit for tomorrow.   It had been a long time since I last wore an office suit...and that’s why I had to search for one.  (2)

That partitioned room was where I lived as child back in the 50’s in Hong Kong, in a flat shared by many other people. 

Across from the wardrobe was a wooden chest for the washbasin.  In those days, there was no running tap water in each of those partitioned rooms.  If one had to fill up the basin, one had to take it to the kitchen in the far end of the flat to do it.  

A woman entered our room.  She turned on the faucet on the washbasin chest and when she’s done washing her hands, she gently pressed the button at the bottom of the sink, yes, a ceramic sink, to let the water run down the drain.  How come, I wondered!  I had just used the hand-fetched water in the basin over the counter there!   The sink was a squarish one and had four holes, not one, to allow water to drain out!    What an innovation, I marvelled at this design which I had not seen before.  (3)

Back to business….   Karen, my boss, had gone through the presentation I had to make the day after and she was happy with it.  She then walked me out of the office, from the open light well at the back of the building through the corridor and all the way out to the street.  That was the building where my parent’s tuck store was when we were small. (4)

Then, the PC….where was it?  Someone, I forgot whom, pulled it out from a tin chest under the bed in the partitioned room for me.  What an empty uncluttered space under the bed this time when it used to be fully packed with stuff.  

Wow, what a clunker PC….big and heavy.   Would I, who now used to using iPad/iPhone, know how to operate this antique?  Well, since the office wouldn’t allow me to access their system from my own igadgets, I had no choice but to lug this elephant along on my trip.  The man who found this PC under the bed for me suggested that I should carry it on a knapsack since it was heavy.  “Knapsacks and suits don’t go together.  I don’t want the bag to crease my suit.”  I told myself and left the knapsack behind. (5)

OK, everything set.  It’s time for bed. 

There I went…sleeping…..only to wake up startled at the time.  It was 10 a.m.!   The flight was scheduled to depart at 9 a.m.   Holy Moly, what should I do, I asked.   Clara could have already boarded the plane and on her way out.   We, colleagues, generally had the practice of boarding the plan at our own leisure and not waiting for others.   I was the presenter.  What on earth was Clara going to do at the client’s?  (6)

Puzzled…and upset….but I woke up again. (7)

This time to find the time was only 8:30 a.m…..which meant I was still on time to meet my daughter at 10 a.m. this morning. 

A dream….that earlier one.   Phewww! 


Harebrained the dream might have been, but nothing in there happened for no reason…. 

(1)   Business trip – that was my favourite…a break away from the children, a period to relax, a time of my own.  I loved that.  Also on business trip: my son just left for one the day before.  

(2)   Business suit – I never go without it in my working life.  No matter where I had to go…in the Board room or to clients’ factories, I always wore a suit and my high heels.  Years ago, a friend poked fun of me and said they were my formals for important occasions. 

(3)   Childhood places in Hong Kong – I have fond memories of them, no matter how shabby and how cramped they were.  The buildings no longer exist, but the street numbers are still there.  Often, I would revisit these places, stopped and looked around to recall those lovely memories. 

(4)   Presentation walk-thru – these were must’s…be they with bosses or with clients before presenting to them.  Sure, I didn’t want to surprise the clients in front of their colleagues.  Karen, the boss at Bank of Montreal in Canada, was most strict on reviews of presentations beforehand. 

(5)   Use of personal PC to connect to the company’s system – IBM surely did not want contractors, of which I was one, to access their internal system from my own PC.  This company referred to in my dream was the IBM of Hong Kong. 

(6)   Clara – she was a school-mate of mine from high school.  Because I went with her on a business trip of hers to China last Fall, somehow or another, I mixed her in as my colleague in the dream. 

(7)   Waking up on time – I had to meet my daughter at 10 a.m. this morning; therefore, waking up on time was important.  The slept-in in my dream really upset me. 

Dreams….could be a hotchpotch of things which, when neatly intertwined together, would spin out a memorable tale of nought. 

I hope you enjoyed my tale of nought.