Adam 仔本學期選修一科中國歴史。從 1911 年開始到現代。 


"Dad, the class is very interesting. Professor is very good."  

"White man?" I asked. 

"Yes, he said we should not use simplified Chinese. 繁體字 has beauty."  

"I learnt Sun Zhongshan, Yuan Shikai and Lushun."  

"Wow! You should learn to write these names in Chinese." 


「孫中山=father of China.」 

「袁世凯=tried to become an emperor again in new era.」  

「鲁迅=famous author = 阿Q正傳」 

Adam said: "I get a reading assignment. The true story of Ah Q." 

"Oh, that is wonderful. English right?"  


我說:"He is a renowned writer in that era, on Mao Zedong side. Famous for his satire writing, like 阿Q正傳.  Some say, if he lived till Mao's time, he would be purged." 

"Dad, do you know the story of 阿 Q?”  


我說:"阿Q on nun: how come the monk can touch your head, but I can't."  


我看到Adam 仔在FaceTime 笑了。 

"Son, if you are able to read story of 阿Q in Chinese some day, you will be able to read my writings. I will be happy."  

Adam 再問:"How about his quotes?”  

我說:“I know some. Couple of poems too."  

"Poem: 橫眉冷對千夫指,俯首甘為孺子牛。" 

"Poem: 心事浩茫連廣宇,於無聲處聽驚雷。" 

"Poem: 度盡劫波兄弟在,相逢一笑泯恩仇。" 

"Poem: 躲進小樓成一統,管他春夏與秋冬。"  

”What does it mean? Translate, please."  

"I don't know how. Ask your teacher. I have paid him money.  Well, the third one I know a little. It is about brotherhood. You know the song: he ain't heavy, he is my brother? You know the Chinese phrase: 打死不離親兄弟? You and your brother should have this spirit. " 

"Ya ya ya.....".

我問Adam: "How is the weather in Chicago ?" 


我告訴他:"You better go out to hit some tennis balls. Lushun says. If one only reads books, one becomes a bookshelf." 

Don, LA

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