May 31, 2014. 

Cross Canada Coast to Coast (CCCC -- Day 1)

I kissed my newlywed bride, Margaret, farewell this morning at 8:15 am. This is our 14th wedding anniversary. 

I started my trip by going east to Hope, and then head north on Hwy 5 in BC. 

It was interesting once I passed Hope (not beyond hope!), because I entered the mountain ranges. Going north on the Coquilhalla highway at the summit, there was still snow on the road side. Five days ago, it actually snowed a few mm of snow on the summit. So, within a few hours, I was traveling from Vancouver at sea level to 1,475 m elevation at the summit. 

The scenery was magnificent. I see snow capped mountains, dark green old trees and bright green young trees. Mountains and valleys, with the farm land starting to grow seedlings, and puffs of cottonwood balls floating around, (very bad for hayfever). 

I rode into Merritt, a little town which I have driven past many times before, for the first time. It is interesting to see Mexican farm workers there, with real cowboys, and cowgirls with tight fancy rhinestone jeans. Of course there are cowboy hats. Neat. 

North of Kamloops, it got a bit warmer. For 1 hour I was riding under the hot sun of 27C. I took frequent stops, for stretching, some water and pee stops (whether I need to or not). 

There are lots of areas where the forest was clear cut, and remain bare. There are also lots of areas with dead trees from the pine beetle infestation. 

I checked into the Best Western Motel in Valemount, BC at about 5:30 pm. Valemount is about 120 Km west of Jasper near the BC/Alberta border. It is a good stop between Edmonton and Vancouver. It is very scenic, with snow capped mountains on all 3 sides. The hotel even let me park my motorcycle right at the front door so that they an keep an eye on it overnight. 

The only close encounter with the wild life was that must have been hundreds of bugs that smashed into my windshield and faceshield. I suppose I have "killed" many lives today, ( plus eating prime rib for dinner ), I may not be able to enter heaven. 

I am looking at the sun setting outside my motel room window. I give thanks to another good day. 

The motorcycle runs perfectly. The trip today was only about 700 Km. Yes, my back is sore, but there is a bed waiting for me. 

Life is good.