Cross Canada coast to coast   Day 6, June 5, 2014.

In Winnipeg.

Had a very good sleep at the Lee's. Francis FW had to go to work early, so we met briefly while he was making coffee. I went to the motorcycle shop before they opened. I was lucky that they could fit me in, and I was 3rd in line, so I had to sit at Starbucks across the street for 3 hours while they replaced my 2 dead headlight bulbs. Those halogen bulbs are $30 each, plus labour and tax, a bit over $100. Those BMW parts are expensive.

Had a relaxing afternoon doing laundry and organizing maps and GPS for the next day.

I suppose everybody knows that the Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba is Philip S. Lee, 李紹麟, Wah Yan College, Kowloon, 1960.

Today is a very sunny, warm day here. Hopefully the weather will last till I am on my way tomorrow.

This evening, Francis/Shari ordered take out pizza. We had a very nice causal dinner and drinks, and of course chatted.

Another good day to give thanks for.