Cross Canada coast to coast. Day 17 - June 16, 2014.

(First) Mission accomplished.

In Nova Scotia

I have seen Atlantic Ocean today. I have ridden on my motorcycle from coast to coast (Canada). I feel great/accomplished.

It was about 500 Km of riding but it wasn't easy. I had to ride through drizzles at 10C for about 3 hours. Then it was overcast with occasional sun at about 14C for the following 4 hours. The secondary roads in NS were full of bad pot-holes. Thank goodness I was forewarned about it. I used the middle of the lane as cars would not use it, and it has the least potholes.

The scenery was great. It was so natural. It was comparable to the Sea-to-Sky Hwy in BC from Vancouver to Squamish. The mountains(?) are really hills. I went through areas where there were coal mines, which have been shut down for years.

I have arrived at Tom/Sherry's house in late afternoon seeking lodging. They live in New Waterford, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. They are extremely hospitable. They offered me lodging and food/drinks. They said that if I stay longer than a month, then I would have to contribute $. So the deal is that I can stay for 29 days, free.

I had a lobster all by myself tonight, after the salad, quick stirred chicken and rice. I think Sherry cooked Chinese food to please me.

Tom was happy to find a drinking buddy tonight.

We chatted for hours today. They are such a nice couple. Sherry is the mother of Mark Timmons. Mark/Joedi and kids are very close friends of ours. We are just like family.

I was told that there used to be coal mining business in this area, and most of the people were miners. After the mines were shut down, the town and businesses died down too. Many of the young people find work at the oil-sands in Fort McMurray, AB, to send home the money.

People are courteous, polite and laid back. I need to detune myself to get into this rhythm. Tom was also warning me about drivers here are overly courteous that they will stop in the middle of the road to let someone else go ahead, disregarding the traffic "rules".

I was also warned about the moose crossing the roads here, (not necessarily at the sign saying moose crossing). The only wild life encountered today was a mama-duck leading 6 duckings crossing the highway. They turned back when they saw me approaching. I slowed down almost to a stop to avoid them. But that was at the middles of a highway. Fortunately there was no other car!

(Second) Mission to be met : riding the Cabot Trail. I'll see what the weather is like tomorrow.

You may know that the MacDonald's here offer MacLobster. I shall try one tomorrow. Sherry is going to order "fresh" lobsters for tomorrow or the day after.

With all the alcohol and lobsters, I hope I don't have a gout episode! Que cera, cera! Enjoy life at its fullest.

Ah, sweet dreams.