Cross-Canada coast to coast  Day 23, June 22, 2014.

Ottawa to Toronto.

Waken up from a very nice sleep. YK/Helen & I chatted till almost 11 pm last night. I had a good time. This morning YK made excellent coffee and Helen made a big breakfast. I was well looked after and pampered before I left.

I then rode around the old Ottawa downtown area where I was in 2001, taking part in yet another National Championship Tournament. I recognized the cheap hotel that we stayed in. That was the year after my broken nose incident. I participated in the form competition. When I took a look at the young opponents, I decided that it might be wise to sit out the sparring competitions. I was then assigned the job as a corner judge at the sparring rings. I met up then with an old Loyola friend, Ken Richardson, and went for Chinese food for dinner. Ah, those were the days.

Last time I met YK/Helen in Ottawa was after one of those Rhapsody trips. I still remembered those days. Helen taught me how to knit in the cottage. May be we should have another Rhapsody sessions after the big 2015 reunion.

The 500 Km ride was longer than I thought because of traffic congestions, especially under the 29C sun. Thank goodness I stopped by the OnRoute stops every 75 Km to have a pit stop and drench my jacket and t-shirt totally. I am sure it saved me from a heat stroke especially when I was wearing full gear. I was told later that the traffic congestion was due to the people returning from their "cottages".

I checked in with Paul/Cindy in Markham this late afternoon. They are family (Margaret's first cousins). Shower, beer, laundry, Scotch, BBQ dinner and some chatting later, I am tired.

I should correct my earlier observation a couple of days ago. The French Canadian girls do look better and better as travelled closer to Montreal.

Another observation : Have you watched TV : Duck Dynasty? There are many people in New Waterford, Cape Breton area that look like those characters.

I am homesick and lack of motivation to ride back to Vancouver from here. I have already fulfilled my missions. The odometer said : 9,500 Km since I left home 23 days ago. I'll sleep on it, and I will sleep in.

Is this the end of this journey?