Celebrating with the Bridegroom -- Seeing Hu Quan off Banished South
Zhang Yuan Gan (1091-1170)

夢繞神州路  Haunted by dreams of lost country and shame
悵秋風  Autumn winds complain
連營畫角  Among tents bugles drearily blow
故宮離黍  The palace deserted weeds overgrow
底事昆侖傾砥柱  How could the kingdom fall in a sudden
九地黃流亂注  On nine towns the Yellow River wildly flow
聚萬落千村狐兔  Ten thousand villagers overrun by Jerchen foes
天意從來高難問  This will of heaven we should never question
況人情老易悲如許  Humiliation easily forgotten sadness knows no relief
*更南浦  South you go
*送君去  I bid you adieu 

涼生岸柳催殘暑  Cool river willows drive summer heat away
耿斜河  The Milky Way in sway
疏星淡月  Stars sparse and moon pale
斷雲微度  Broken clouds quietly go
萬裏江山知何處  Where has ten thousand li of rivers and hills gone
回首對床夜語  I seek answers from our past chatting not forlorn
雁不到  No geese go your way
書成誰與  How will I send letters to your stay
目盡青天懷今古  I search the sky of yore and today
肯兒曹恩怨相爾汝  On hard times and peace our love and hate
舉大白  Let us be plain and abide
聽金縷  Drink and listen to this song of my mind

*【毛澤東改〝更南浦,送君去〞成 “君且去,休回顧 Go you ought, regrets naught”。


I believe his correction applied for himself, just himself as a person facing death and all that he had done, regretful or not. From the chan (禪宗) point of view, he is relieving his own emotional burden by advising self : Go you ought, regrets naught。