[Please click the Cover to read the Song Book]


Unhappy love, my love for you, unhappy love
The wind that dies, the flower that fades, know of my love
The wind that dies, the flower that fades
    the waves that break,  sicken for my heartache and share my sighs
Undying love, my love for you, undying love
The wind that dies, the flower that fades,
    envy my love, now bursts my heart, now cracks my soul, now fails my breath,
    still my love defies death, should life depart
Unhappy love, undying love
    my love for you, down all eternity
    a love that torments me
    my love for you, mad love, sad love.
Unhappy love, undying love. 


Loun the I’lan, let’s go
Jolly ride on my rickshaw, one there to ride, one there to pull,
From Wan-chai to Shek-o

Loun the I’lan, let’s go,
   sight-seeing trip on my rickshaw, to the main streets and the back streets where our Suzies wait. 
Heave ho, Heavy burden
Heave ho yellow man’s burden, a beef eater I’m certain
Gaily I sweat, Gaily I sweat, for a vegetarian diet. 

Loun the I’l-lan let’s go
Jolly ride on my rickshaw, one there to ride, one there to pull,
From Wan-chai to Shek-o

Loun the I’lan, let’s go,
   sight-seeing trip on my rickshaw, to the main streets, and the back streets where our Suzies wait.


In Hell or Hades, darkly groping, darkly uncertain where
In Hell or Hades wandered my soul, darkly uncertain darkly
In Hell or Hades seeing unseeing wandered
In Hell or Hades darkly uncertain wandered
    Till down the hollows of eternity, down the hollows of eternity
Echoed one eternal nay
One Nay my soul shuddered, shuddered, shuddered but knew not why

I had dreamed of a heaven and of a long promised yea.
Sunny had been that heaven Assuringly clear that yea.

In Hell or Hades darkly groping darkly uncertain where
In Hell or Hades wandered my soul, darkly uncertain darkly
In Hell or Hades seeing unseeing wandered
In Hell or Hades darkly uncertain wandered
   Till down the hollows of eternity, down the hollows of eternity
Echoed one eternal nay
One Nay my soul the Nay


七月飄風輕, 八月驟雨疾, 飄風驟雨難終日.
七月訴衷情, 八月訂山盟, 九月愁淚眼眶盈.
好夢本難成, 徒勞恨費聲, 只悔無知太用情, 

七月飄風輕, 八月驟雨疾, 飄風驟雨難終日.


我是一棵瘦樹, 枝葉疏少的瘦樹, 孑然向上生長, 孑然向上生長.
風吹來我偶爾擺動, 跟左右的樹交接,
輕輕的懵然交接, 略略的交接, 斯須又分離, 斯須又分離.

我是一棵瘦樹, 枝葉疏少的瘦樹, 孑然向上生長, 孑然向上生長.
枝葉婆娑的大樹, 跟旁邊的樹交接,
密密的欣然交接, 刻刻的交接, 久久不分離, 久久不分離.

(Permission has been granted by Mr. T.L. Kiang and the Wong family, through Mr. Fung Yee Wang, for this reproduction. To them all, our gratitude and thanks. --WYKAAO)