From – Chop Suey – Wah Yan College Hong Kong memories

[Wah Yan Kowloon coat-of-arms]

Our post last week mentions that in WYHK, there is a coat-of-arms honouring Saint Ignatius of Loyola. Our brother, WYK, also has a coat-of-arms in honour of Saint Francis Xavier.

This coat-of-arms has appeared on the Shield《華暉》, the school magazine of WYK, for many years. The attached photo #1, which shows the cover of the Shield 1955, is an example of its early appearance.

After consulting with Father Stephen Chow SJ and Dr John Tan, and performing a search on the internet, Admin found out the likely meaning of this coat-of-arms – see attached photo #2.

As with the WYHK coat-of-arms, Admin would appreciate any other thoughts from Wahyanites from WYK about this WYK coat-of-arm, especially its other uses (i.e. other than appearing in the Shield).

Credits: Once again, Admin would like to thank Father Stephen Chow SJ and Dr John Tan for their advice and guidance during Admin’s research.


[WYK coat of arms]

In earlier posts, we talked about the coat of arms of WYHK (the crest of St Ignatius of Loyola) and WYK (the crest of St Francis Xavier).

A WYK friend (graduate of the early 1990s) told Admin that the WYK coat of arms was used in sports competitions. Finally, Admin managed to dig out the attached photos from the Shield 1995 which showed the WYK school banner bearing the coat of arms at that time.

Reasons for adopting the crests: 1. WYHK (crest of St Ignatius of Loyola) – adopted in 1940 when Society of Jesus celebrated her fourth centenary of foundation (1540-1940). 2. WYK (crest of St Francis Xavier) – WYK was moved to the present Waterloo Road campus in 1952, the fourth centenary of the death of St Francis Xavier (1552-1952). This was probably why WYK adopted his crest.

Links to earlier posts: WYHK –