This is somewhat of a delayed mailing as my staff and I enjoyed the great hospitality offered us by my long-time patients who had immigrated to Panama.  There were lots to see and learn about the history, people and the Canal itself.
First, we want to thank our team leader Rodger Jackson (and his right-hand lady Joanne) for their excellent leadership and organizational skills, efforts, work put into planning this very successful dental mission and tour of the highlands of Peru.  I am sure I can (somewhat presumptuously if I may) speak for our entire Sacred Valley Brigade of 2016 KIA Dental Mission in expressing our most sincere and deep appreciation to our "Principal".
What I loved and admired most was his tremendous tact and patience, as on more than one occasion, he would say: "...... If I were your Principal, I would...; but I'm not your Principal ...", then we immediately got the drift, and we behaved! 
He did not send me to detention on occasions that I got a little lost (It happened once in a while at my age) and he had to dispatch one of the angels to retrieve me from the rock jungle.
Next we must thank is of course Linda, our host lady - whether she likes to consider herself in that role or not; she was our fairy Godmother, and our most gracious host.  She has done so much for us and for the local Peruvians over the years, which is simply amazing and admirable.  Her constant smile on her face; we should learn to imitate.
I should write to her to show our appreciation and to George, our handy helper and interpreter, and to the staff at The Sacred Dream Lodge.
Finally, we have each other to thank for this very memorable mission and tour.  The memories and friendship will stay with us, young and old alike, for life.  I hope we will meet again in another KIA or other volunteering mission trips, dental meetings etc. 
One note on the side: Production, money.....etc. is of no great concern in our work at Sacred Valley.  However, just for the sake of information, and for some an additional sense of satisfaction, using the Alberta dental fee "guide", my very rough guesstimate for the amount of work accomplished would be worth in the neighbourhood of C$210,000.  In any event, the final number is of far less importance than our experience and satisfaction of helping those in dire need of urgent help that the abscesses, suppurations, swellings, pain and suffering were relieved, especially for the lovely children.