《Two Historical Photos》
A Word about the Photographs and Alumnus Mr Chan Siu Yu (陳少孺) (‘30).
These two historical photos of Wah Yan College Hong Kong come from the Chan family.
In the first picture, two Chan brothers in the same class, Class 5B, were photographed in 1927. Chan Siu Yu (陳少孺), left third, front row, was the elder one, with younger twin brother Chan Yau Chik (陳幼直), right third, front row. Both wore glasses. They were born in 1909, making them 18 years of age when the photo was taken. The occasion was the departure of a Mr Yung, probably a teacher.
The second picture is labeled Wah Yan College Hall of Residence. Neither the exact location nor the year of the photo is known.
Mr Chan Siu Yu entered the College in 1927 and left in 1930. After two years at St John’s University, Shanghai, he went to the Agricultural School of Lingnan University and graduated in 1936. He entered the Hong Kong Government Service in the Agricultural Department in 1946 and became the Senior Agricultural Officer. After his retirement from the civil service, he had a brief stint teaching biology at Diocesan Boys’ School before embarking on a leisurely life of travelling with his wife. He finally moved to Vancouver in the late 1970s and died in 1988.
The photos are the property of Dr Chan-Yeung Mo Wah, Moira, daughter of Mr Chan Siu Yu. She would appreciate getting any more information about them (email address: mmwchan01.gmail.com). They are used here with her permission. Mr Fung Yee Wang first showed us the class picture. To both of them, our sincere thanks are due.