備冬                          余晃英                     


冬無可避唯有備    慎防秋後帳苛嚴

先掃掩地頹敗葉    還我清爽穩步行

繼刈草坪餘盈寸    草莖堅挺俟生機

剪修枯枝突兀椏    來歲新條吐繁華

色衰花卉棄如屣    適時再植展繽紛

玫瑰枝底厚泥蓋    護根有力花嬌嬈

繡球移宿屋簷下    且避冰霜肆摧殘

雪松灌木繞綑紥    免逢雨雪裂體侵

移盆入室眠晝夜    海棠孤挺養嬌魂

深匿泥下培元氣    藏紅偎倚鬱金香

凛凛風霜肅肅降    大地順時靜韜藏

花草人生耐寒苦    身枯猶待春復榮 

(温哥華          二O一二年十一月十九曰)


Wintering                           Yu Fong-ying                                    (Vancouver, November 19, 2012)

Winter -- it will come, so wintering let us go;

Meanness and harshness will follow Fall.

First to sweep away the rotten leaves smothering the roads.

Now sure-stepped we can walk.

Next to mow the lawn, leaving an inch of green,

So grass stands up to grab the moment to grow.

To trim the pale-bled branches and twisted twigs,

So in time new shoots grow in strength and glory.

Decaying flowers and plants -- just cast them out.

Next year new plants take their place in variegated beauty.

To add mulch to cover the faded roses,

To protect the source so they may again to loveliness grow.

Hydrangea -- moved to under the eaves,

So to survive the ravages of frost and ice.

Shrubs and cedar clumps are bound by circled strings,

So rain and snow will not split them apart.

Begonia and amaryllis -- to hibernate indoors through days and nights,

So to keep their delicate life.

Bulbs of crocus and tulips are buried deep side by side

The better for them to cling to their spirits.

Windstorms, icestorms -- they will descend, mercilessly, weightily.

Earth will abide by the times and the climes, lying low.

Sufferings and cold  -- humans and plants alike their lot.

Withered life awaits the resurrection of Spring.