In spring 2010, I received an invitation to offer a lecture on our Cradle exhibition for an art conference at Beijing Polytechnic University in summer that year.  That gave me an opportunity to make a formal announcement to the cultural world inside China on the contribution of Wah Yan College, Kowloon (WYK) in the history of Chinese art education as the first school to start a reformation in the method of teaching Chinese ink painting to meet the needs of modern art education principles of today.  A synopsis of my lecture was subsequently published in the Beijing Polytechnic U conference journal.  My lecture soon caught the attention of the editor of a Macao publication on cultural exchange, “Chinese Cross Currents” 《神州交流》and had my Beijing lecture translated into English for me and published the full lecture script with illustrations in both Chinese and English in its April 2012 issue.

Soon after my return to Hong Kong in late 2009, the Education Bureau of the HK Government (EDB) invited me to help in organizing an exhibition of International Students’ artworks.  I gave my full support as an adviser in the project.  The First International Students’ Visual Arts Contest-cum-Exhibition of Hong Kong was officially opened on 2010 August.14.  As a guest of honour at the opening ceremony I gladly helped to distribute prizes to the winners of the International Art Contest.

After much planning by the WYK Ink Painting Exhibition Organization Committee, on 2010 November 29, I witnessed another successful opening ceremony of the exhibition “The Cradle of New Chinese Ink Painting Movement” at the Art Gallery of HK Institute of Education, the very educational centre for training Visual Arts teachers in Hong Kong, with the Former Secretary for Home Affairs of the HK Government and Acting Principal of the Institute as inaugurating officers.

I took part in the selection of exhibits and the prize presentation of the Exhibition of “Hong Kong Is My Home”, an art event held on 2011 January 09 to promote a sense of belonging in the minds of Hong Kong schools students.

On 2011 January 22, I was invited to be the guest of honour to address the teachers and students of the Yuen Long area in the opening ceremony of regional joint school art activities for the promotion of creativity among the students of that area. 

In April 2011, I was invited to conduct a studio course on how to teach Chinese ink painting to in-service teachers organized by the Lingnan University Alumni Primary School at Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon.  Hong Kong is seriously in lack of art teachers capable of teaching Chinese art properly in schools.  I was very much impressed by the dedication and eagerness to learn of the course participants.

In May 2011, I was invited to be a member of the Cultural Committee of the UNESCO of Hong Kong to help promoting a general awareness of the Hong Kong people on intangible cultural heritage and how they can help in maintaining world peace

With the support of Fr Deignan and a generous sponsor, Mr Edwin Wong, (gentleman sitting between Fr Deignan and me), I succeeded in setting up a Fr Deignan Chinese Art Award Scheme under the name of Wah Yan One Family, to provide cash awards to winners of an annual Chinese art competition for students, and a study grant for art teachers in the two Wah Yan Colleges to study Chinese art for the next five years for the promotion of Chinese art education.

To encourage parents to give their children opportunity to express their creative instinct from an early age, I took part in the judging and prize presentation ceremony of the Exhibition of Young Genius organized by the Institute of Creativity of the HK Baptist University in 2012 April.

I was invited to set up a course of study by the HK Baptist University on creative Chinese art education in the Institute of Creativity of the University, and I was made an Honorary Professor of the University with effect from April, 2012.

I have worked with WYK Ink Painting Exhibition Committee and succeeded in finding a permanent home for the collection of “Cradle” exhibits in HK Museum of Education.  I am glad that such can be arranged, because the ink paintings of our “WYK” boys not only will serve as research material for future scholars and art educators, but also will bear witness to the historical records that (1) WYK was the “1st school” in Chinese education history to lead a reformation in Chinese art education through the application of new ink art as a medium for whole-person education, and (2) WYK was the “founding ground” or “The Cradle” of the "New Chinese Ink Art Movement" of mid-20th century, a major contribution of the HK people to enhance the development of Chinese traditional culture.

Hong Kong people in general do not know much about Hong Kong art, because there is no teaching material on the subject available to students and teachers.  I spent some of my leisure hours last year to write a book for the HK Education Bureau (EDB) on "Examples of Understanding H K Art through Culture”. It is expected to be published by EDB early next year as a reference book for HK Visual Arts teachers to assist them to teach their students on how to appreciate works of contemporary art by HK artists.

The above are just some of the activities I took part on promoting Hong Kong art which is my personal life long interest.


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The aboe is part of the letter to Mr. Anthony Ho who visited Mr. Laurence Tam on 20121105.   Click the image to read the letter.