.   華仁書院英語粵劇團 ()

“The one extraordinary thing he did, or you might even call it his own invention, was the production of Chinese operas in English.” As soon as the war was over, people of all nationalities passed through Hong Kong and many wanted to see Chinese opera, with its magnificent costumes and the artistic movements and gestures of the head, the legs, the body and the eye, but they did not understand the movements and gestures because they did not know the language. Fr. Sheridan asked himself: “Why couldn’t the operas be done in English?” He gathered together a number of past students, whom he had trained to act, and he composed an opera called ‘The Spoiled Princess.’ It was played in full operatic costume and delighted both foreign and Chinese audiences. “The foreigners liked it because they understood it. The Chinese liked it because the tunes were sung in another language, English. People wanted to see more of these operas.” Responding to the demand, Sheridan and his actors founded the Wah Yan Dramatic Society with Sheridan as its director. He wrote another thirteen operas, composed songs, and regularly improved the performances in every respect. The operas were a great success. The proceeds were given away to worthy projects – extensions to the college, erection of halls and chapels, and other ventures. The operas were still performed at the time of his death.

(Excerpted from Jesuits in Hong Kong, South China and Beyond, Irish-Jesuit Mission – its Development 1926-2006, by Thomas J. Morrissey, S.J., 2008, pp. 170-172. The quoted words, as indicated by Fr. Morrissey, are those of Mr. Wong Chin Wah, Fr. Sheridan’s former pupil, in a tribute that appeared in The Star, the school magazine of Wah Yan College, Hong Kong, in July 1971.)

.   華仁書院英語粵劇團 ()

香港華仁書院的譚神父 (愛爾蘭人, 是戲劇家), 為了推廣粵劇, 特聘我在華仁書院內教授學生用英語演出的粵劇。當時學習得最有成績的學生有黃展華、潘廣瀏、余叔韶、蕭其浩等,他們曾經多次公開演出, 頗獲好評。演出的劇目有馬師曾首本戲的《佳偶天成》等, 參加演出的女演員有鄭碧影等。

在中國戲曲中, 最先用英語演出的相信是粵劇, 可惜限於缺乏人材 (翻譯和演出的人才都極為難得) 等種種原因, 英語粵劇不能進一步發揚。未能使外國人都能好好地欣賞粵劇, 誠一憾事。

(取自《粵劇六十年》陳非儂口述  伍榮仲、陳澤蕾重編。香港中文大學粵劇研究計劃, 2007年, 42頁。《佳偶天成》好像就是”The Spoiled Princess”,  我看的就是由鄭碧影演公主、黃展華老師演駙馬 。) 

.    鄭碧影 (一)

鄭碧影, 工娃娃生、旦。鄭就讀小學時, 因父親鄭陶君為「鐘聲慈善社」社員, 鄭於慈善社學習傳统排場和唱曲, 師從麥慶申。抗戰期間, 鄭避居澳門, 參加「新聲劇團」的演出,多演娃娃生。戰後, 鄭回港讀書, 肄業後再加入「新聲劇團」, 當時被稱為「東方莎莉譚寶」, 又曾於「興中華劇團」任二幫花旦。1950年代, 鄭以接拍戲曲電影為主, 1960年代退出舞台。(區文鳳等, 1999:306)

(取自上書42頁註。區文鳳等著的書是《香港當代粵劇人名錄》, 香港中文大學粵劇研究計劃。) 

.   鄭碧影 ()

…憂來無方, 忽然想起了鄭碧影。很多年前就寫過鄭碧影,不為什麼, 就只是因為忽然想起了有這樣的一個人。鄧碧雲與鄭碧影, 人稱大碧細碧。當然是偉大的鄧碧雲威風, 曾是街知巷聞的眾人媽打。但細碧自有地盤。曾在網上看見她在畔溪和家人吃晚飯的錄影帶, 已是八十歲的老太婆, 眉眼神情依稀可辨, 打扮樸素, 和街上任何碰到的老太婆毫無分別。如今她亦已隨大碧而去, 雲消影逝。


(節錄自《明報加西週刋》1014期, 二零一三年三月十七日, 72頁, 杜杜<瓶子集>: <鄭碧影>。杜杜是67九華畢業生。)

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一.       陳非儂先生書中稱的譚神父, 應該是 Father Terry Sheridan. ‘譚”大概是由Terry轉來。

二.       我屆同學(61) 2011年在港慶祝畢業五十週年, 聚餐喜見黃展華先生精神飽滿、 嗓子清潤如昔, 還演唱了一段英語粵曲。以下两首是黄老師的傑作。第一首筆錄, 最後两三句我聽不清楚, 其他字句亦可能有誤:

[Click the image to enjoy the 2 songs] 

(1)        Education (調寄〝禪院鐘聲〞)

Education is a word we have to define with greater care
It’s not just books
It just won’t be just teachers or just the schools
Teachers must be very good, so must be the school
Teachers must be patient with the student
Do not use force
Never frighten them
A few kind words now and then
Make them understand
Take them as your friends
That is the true meaning of modern education
You must tell them they must try
It’s of no use if they cry
If you’re kind you can find they listen to you
They will sooner find themselves
They will get along just fine
Every manner bear in mind
They must not pore over good books
….more important than books. 

(2)        Advice to Young Girls (調寄〝帝女花〞)

We girls should always be glad
  But, sometimes we are very sad
Can we girls really understand
  Why we have married the wrong men
Now, you girls, listen here
  Remember, “Do not just say ‘yes.’”
  Just let him wait
  Until you are very sure
  He has completely fallen in love with you
Make him promise he will never change
  Then, you will, forever
  You will enjoy forever
  Enjoy every single day
  And every single hour                   (Wong Chin Wah)

(61同學王顯誠兄傳來黃老師手寫稿的影印本, 謝謝。)

讓我在此嚴正聲明: 两首曲詞版權全歸黃展華先生所有!

三.    Fr. Sheridan 曾寫的十三齣戲, 還可以找到嗎? 找到的話, 可以編印成書嗎? 現在粵劇表演納入學校科目, 這固然是好事, 粵劇在香港也似乎相當蓬勃, 但陳非儂先生說的”使外國人都能好好地欣賞粵劇”還是一個值得深入探討的課題。 

