“I didn’t know Bill well and in fact my first impression of him was not all positive. We never got any response from him when we tried to collect fee for our Toronto reunion despite repeated reminders sent to him by email. It turned out that he never read his email and the way he handled email was to delete all every month without opening even one. During the reunion gathering in Toronto my impression of him turned 180◦. I found him warm hearted, generous and fun loving and that’s how we should remember him” -- Dominic




黄惠和 Bill Wai Wo Wong 花名牛屎

Wall Street工作環境有如壓力煲, 唔喺任何人都可以捱得住, 佢居然可以喺Chase Manhattan做Financial Analyst 到89年才退休, 就真喺唔簡單. 退休後當然要輕鬆自如, 故週圍去旅遊, 雖家住紐約, 但在紐約嘅時間, 每年都衹有四五個月, 大部份時間都會在香港或中國大陸, 旅遊兼探仔女. 有兩女兩仔, 細仔就快大學畢業, 兩公婆就更加安樂晒.

---- Extracted from 64龍虎榜 - What are we doing now?