We woke up at 6. We went to the hotel lobby at 6:45. We board the bus at 6:50 and we were waiting for this couple of idiots who went to the nearby subway to get breakfast. They were waiting in line for the order and would not leave without it. So the whole bus was waiting for them. This put everyone in a grouchy mood. Bad omen appeared again.

                           I knew we were in trouble when the driver did this

We reached Laval at the west end of Montreal. Construction was everywhere. The lanes were narrow. Then the truck on the inside lane decided to lean close to our bus. It was too close for comfort and we could see the right rear view mirror of the bus flew to the back of the bus. The driver was devastated. He put on the hazardous signal and started to ease towards an exit. We stopped at our destination for lunch and everyone was herded in for some food. By now the bus had to go out of commission. Without the review mirror, the driver could not bypass and could not park properly. Phone calls were made and we had to wait for another bus – AGAIN.

                                         We have to help out  

We waited in the restaurant and we ate and ate again.

The replacement bus arrived and lo and behold it was the bus that we abandoned the day before because of a broken thermal hose. By then, we realized if the thing belongs to you, it will follow you no matter what.

It was a long ride from Quebec City to Toronto. There was not much to write home about. Something we learned on this trip though.

              When it rains, it can pour.

              Things can always get worse.

The ratio of bad things happening twice in a row is in reverse proportion to the extent of your grouchiness (this one I just made it up and I am not sure of what it means)

The chance of changing 3 buses on a single trip DOES happen.

I am happy I am not a tourist guide, especially serving certain group of people.

Keep adding on your life experience here.

We have come this far and it makes no sense to discontinue …….

Someday, we might collect enough wise sayings to put out an album.

-- By David Wong