About WYK
Homecoming Concert 2016 will be held to gather generations of Wahyanites and to share the joy of music together with the theme ‘Gratitude’. If you happen to be in HK during this time, you can consider attending this event.
Date: 8 October, 2016 (Saturday)
Time: 1900
Venue: WYK School Hall
To reserve tickets or would like to sponsor the concert, please click here.
九龍華仁書院的三名中四學生,包括梁迪軒(Matthew)、梁愷正(Eden)及陳希(Hays),他們在年初的時候組隊參加由香港青年協會主辦的「香港學生科學比賽」,更憑著自行設計及裝嵌的迷你冷氣機,獲得高中組(發明品)的亞軍。他們希望產品可以解決劏房面積細又無窗口,安裝不到一般冷氣機的問題。 <閱讀全文>
Many former tennis players and Wahyanites from the 60s, 70s, .... pulled their effort togetrher to resurface our 4 tennis courts. These courts will last hopefully 7-10 years and provide a good and safe environment for the school team players and alumni. Now the young kids can play on them safely and enjoy tennis for years to come. The courts will be ready this weekend. Please click the image to view more photos.
九龍華仁 梁皓進 在男甲400米留前鬥後,最後力壓兩名男拔對手奪得冠軍。
梁皓進打破了 男甲800米 紀錄, 快逾3秒!!
Another spectacular 4x400 race by wyk with 梁皓進 & 張宏峰.
Signum 2015-16 Vol 1 is now online. Please click the imagae to read the publication.
Simon, columnist at Apple Daily, Hong Kong, has an article on Mr. Yan Sung Kei.
Mr. Yan taught physical education at WYK from 1968-95.
[Photo supplied by Terence Leung (71)]
On January 27, 2016, three officials of the Education Bureau of Beijing, accompanied by EB of HK, visited WYK to understand the music education in HK. The visitors were greatly impressed by the school choir, symphony orchestra and string quartet, "這裡的學生好像有一道氣,表現都是謙謙君子,在中國好像沒有全男生的中學,很難得。"
Click the images to see the music activities at school in 2016.