About WYK
Christmas@Ricci Hall, HKU was held on December 16 this year for children from 5 to 13 to promote ‘Men and Women for Others”, family values and the holiday spirit. With the help of volunteers, Benny Wan (WYK alumnus) arranged a programme including presentation of service awards and academic internships.
Fr Deignan made the announcement that Jason received donation from a WYK alumnus. Click here to view album of the Joy of Christmas@ Ricci Hall, HKU. Mr. Leung Kin Ping (teacher, 1968-1987) was at the event.
(雷鼎鳴 WYHK 1969) 「華仁一家基金會」前兩天在會展搞了次「譚校長與譚校長」的籌款演唱會,七千觀眾逼爆會場,氣氛熾熱。這次演唱會一方面是為香港與九龍華仁籌款,另一方面是向行將退休的港華校長譚兆炳致敬。上半場由多位城中名人及多才多藝的校友上台表演,下半場則由譚校長譚詠麟演唱近20首經典名曲。據悉譚校長以友情價助陣,演出極度賣力,三個半小時演唱會結束前,台上數百參與表演者與湧到台下的幾千觀眾一同載歌載舞,熱鬧非凡。
稍勝一籌回報豐厚得多 參加演唱的校友雖然水準極高,個個本領非凡,但與譚校長此等專業歌手相比,當然可聽得出差別。與譚校長排練過兩天的「華仁歌王」張漢傑校友指出,譚校長的成功絕非偶然,他排練時絕對一絲不苟。譚校長自己也提到,「台上一分鐘,台下十年功」。
由“華仁一家基金會”(下稱“基金會”)舉辦的 "譚校長&譚校長”華仁一家2012音樂會已於2012年12月22日假灣仔會議展覽中心順利舉行,與會嘉賓達8千位,座無虛席。在廣大校友、家長及各界社會賢達支持下,共籌得善款超過一仟萬。(To view Youtube video 1 ; Youtube video 2; Youtube video 3) 星島日報報道 can be found here. A series of articles and videos can be found in Alan Tam's Blog.
在這熱鬧的晚上,基金會與一眾熱心校友及各界友好,見證“華仁一家為將來”籌款活動成功突破首階段目標,籌得逾億元善款。音樂會籌委會主席袁天凡表示,基金會將會繼續秉持 "Dream of Wah Yan"的精神,展開下個籌款目標,希望能夠幫助兩所華仁繼續孕育更多有知識、肯承擔、能夠立己助人的下一代。
譚校長及各演出校友對母校及香港教育界的無私關注,彰顯了”立己助人”的華仁精神。基金會謹此再次答謝譚詠麟“譚校長”、傳媒友好、參與演出及工作的校友、老師、同學及家長,以及主贊助人Franck Muller及其他贊助人的鼎力相助。
The Cradle movement has approached its concluding stage as the first batch of 97 Chinese ink paintings became the collection of the Hong Kong Museum of Education – under the auspices of The Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd), following a Donation Ceremony held at the WYK Art Room on December 10, 2012.
Officiating at the ceremony were Dr John Tan, WYK Principal; Professor Richard Tsang, Department of Cultural and Creative Arts, HKIEd (also a WYK alumnus); Dr Sydney Cheng, Librarian at HKIEd; Ms Selina Ho, Curator of the Hong Kong Museum of Education; and Eddie Yim, Chairman of the Organising Committee of the Chinese Ink Painting Exhibition 2006.
Mr. Laurence Tam writes on his work since his return to Hong Kong and the message of “not to stay up too late” to retirees. The significance of his advice is explained in a letter to Mr. Anthony Ho who visited him recently. Please click the image to read the letter.
The Cheetahs made a donation to school in memory of Fr John Moran, S.J. (1905-91) who gave them the name because they were fast in their soccer games. The plaque in the Teachers’ Common Room was unveiled on Friday, November 16, 2012. The ceremony took place before the historical Speech Day when the cohort class of the last Form 7 and the first Form 6 had their happy day.
The Honourable Philip Lee, Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba, Canada, was the Guest of Honour. Philip Lee, Class 60 and a Cheetah, advised the graduates to master their language skills to be ready for their future career goals. To make his point, he punctuated his speech with “Go Ahead” and “The Chinese Guy Did All The Talking”.
Click the image to view photographs from album of Yeung Chun Hei 5C31 in WYK Photo Bank.
On November 22, 2012, a concert took place at the Students’ Activity Centre in Wah Yan Kowloon at 1:00 p.m. The Centre, with 100 seats, was filled to capacity on that occasion. The performers featured were a violinist, Dr. Chun Chim (David) Leung, Associate Professor of Violin at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota and Music Department Director of Saint Mary’s Chamber Orchestra, and a pianist, Dr. Ned Kirk, who performed and held master classes in many parts of the world, now serving as Artistic and Managing Director of the Minnesota Beethoven Festival.
The concert was also the occasion on which some alumni of the Class of ’61, members of the self-formed Classical Music Lovers Association from 1957 to about 1966, presented a cheque of HK$ 52,000 to the school to set up a CLA Fund for three years dedicated to the purpose of further promoting classical music in the school.
Click the image to read more.
On 17 November 2012, WYKPSA has organised a tea gathering with retired teachers at 東海酒家, The One. Over 50 teachers, including Mr. Anthony Ho and alumni have attended the event. Clcik here to view the photo album.
(Updated 2013-02-08)
Greetings from the Foundation! We are very pleased to report to you that this year we had gathered 333 members in the Team, the biggest ever in the Marathon history of Wah Yan. We have also received a sum of $500,000 as donations thus far. Since we had committed to appropriate HK$1 million to the two Wah Yan Colleges to support their sport development in the next three years, we appeal to you to seek further support from your friends and peers to help us achieve this goal. Every cent counts.
Later on we will collect your official runner’s kit from the Marathon Organiser, thus please attend the final training clinic as below:
Saturday, 16 February 2013
School Hall, Wah Yan College, Kowloon
* 1 – 3pm training and distribution of runner’s kit and team tee
* 3-4pm games and running tips by adidas Hong Kong
* 4pm team photo
All runners should attend this session to collect their runners’ kit, without which runners cannot attend the Race on 24 February 2013. Anyone who cannot attend could only pick it up from the School office, Wah Yan College Kowloon during office hours. Should you need further info please contact Edward Yeung on 9167 9962 or Chris Li on 9803 9691. Again thank you for your support and wishing you a fruitful and happy Year of the Snake!
Best wishes,
Marathon 2013 Organising Committee
如有查詢,請致電9092 9433聯絡。多謝支持。
A banquet is being planned for Fr. Mallin's 100th birthday next year (2013) on November 10th in Hong Kong. It is open to those who have been taught by him to participate. If you are interested in attending, please click here and let us know. We will send the info to the organizing committee in Hong Kong.