About WYK
A forum on Small-class Teaching organized by Past Students' Association, Wah Yan College, Kowloon will be held on Saturday, January 22, 2010 at School Hall. Please click here for details.
Further links:
(1) School Proposal for improvement on Small Class Teaching,
(2) Video on WYK_SCT,
(3) Mingpao advertisement dated November 30, 2010.
Update on Forum On Small-class Teaching.
"The Cradle of New Chinese Ink Painting Movement" Exhibition jointly presented by Wah Yan College, Kowloon (WYK) and the Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd) was successfully opened at the Art Gallery of the Institute at Tai Po on Monday 29 November 2010 at 3 p.m.. A Seminar on Chinese Art Education was held at the Hong Kong Institute of Education on the same day............
Click here to see the complete report from Mr. Laurence Tam. Click here to see the pictures taken at the Opening Ceremony and Seminar.
Victor J. Chen (69) shares some of his previous pictures taken in 1966-67 of a WYK choir and air club visits to Kai Tak and USS Constellation led by the late Fr Cunningham. Knowledge of WYK recently having won the Busan Choral Festival (韓國釜山合唱音樂節) caused him to get these pictures out. We certainly hope other alumni can do the same and share their pictures at WYK with all of us. Thanks Victor and here is the link.
謹訂於 二零一零年十一月二十九日(星期一)下午三時正 假座香港教育學院文化與創意藝術學系展覽廳舉行"新水墨畫運動的搖籃"畫展暨研討會開幕典禮 (按此參閱詳情).
From Mr. Laurence Tam in Hong Kong, "I consider this exhibition to be the most important one, because it signifies that the Cradle teaching method has finally been endorsed by the education institution for the training of teachers. This time, the exhibition is all in Chinese, because it is meant for the primary and secondary school teachers in Hong Kong.
From Mr. Laurence Tam in Hong Kong, "I am glad to take this opportunity to reveal to you that the Wah Yan Kowloon Chinese Ink Painting Exhibition Committee will soon be holding another "Cradle" show in Hong Kong later this year. Since our Cradle exhibition is all about a new method of teaching Chinese ink painting, I consider that the HK Institute of Education is the most appropriate venue for it. It was only last evening at a dinner meeting in a Chinese restaurant at North Point that another "Cradle" exhibition to be held at the Hong Kong Institution of Education was decided........
A short version of the History of Wah Yan College Kowloon (English narration by Peter Au Wai-lam) was shown at Wah Yan International Conference 2010 in L.A. on Saturday, August 21. Here is the full version.
The Annual General Meeting of Way Yan One Family Foundation was held on July 28, 2010.
Here are the Chairman's Report and the audited accounts ending 31st December 2009.
[Wah Yan College Kowloon has an excellent Mathematics programme. It is because WYK has had the service of very talented Maths Head teachers. Mr. Lai Chun Pong (1971~1995) was one of them. He is residing in Australia and will be going to attend IC2010.]
"Hi, dear students, I hope you still remember me. I am Lai Sir, whom you endearingly nicknamed as “Maths Chai” since I joined Wah Yan College, Kowloon in 1971.
After working for two years as a tutor in the Department of Mathematics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, I applied for a Maths teaching post at WYK. That year the School Principal was Fr Reid, and the Assistant Principal was Mr A Ho. Mr Ho regarded my application for a teaching post in WYK with suspicion. He found it hard to believe someone teaching in a university would be interested in applying for a teaching post in a secondary school. But at that time, he said WYK was in need of a Mathematics teacher. He gave me the job on condition that I could obtain a good testimonial from the Department Head in the Chinese University within the next couple of days. After submitting the necessary document, I joined the teaching team of WYK on 6th Sept., 1971.
Former teacher Miss Monica Tang, presently a teacher with Toronto Board of Education, attended Encore, the finale of 90/85th Anniversary celebrations on July 10 at Hong Kong Coliseum. She writes, “The event of performing arts of past and present Wahyanites and their friends was spectacular. I had a brief talk with Fr Stephen Chow after the event, but did not have the chance talking to the other Fathers … I will not be attending the picnic as I will still be in Hong Kong…”
Monty Fong of Wah Yan One Family has kindly sent us the newspaper clippings of the event. (Thanks)
Note that the conductor Professor Gabriel Leung Cheuk-Wai, Under Secretary for Food and Health Bureau, is the son of the late Carmelo Leung (61).
Please click here to view the pictures.
Reported by Mr Laurence Tam from Hong Kong ~ "On 1st May, Saturday, Wah Yan College, Kowloon 85th Anniversary Visual Arts Exhibition was opened as scheduled at the 4th floor Gallery of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre at Tsim Sha Tsui. (slide series) I was invited to be one of the opening officiating guests together with Fr Deignan, Fr Chow, Principal Dr Tan, Mr Chiu Hay Kaw and a host of others. The opening ceremony was attended by a large crowd. Other than the staff, teachers, students (past and present), and guests, there were many parents of students and friends of Parents' Association of the College, as this Anniversary Exhibition was initiated and organized by the Parents Association of Wah Yan College Kowloon. The exhibition included not only paintings in a variety of media, but also drawing, Chinese and English calligraphy, poems, 2-D and 3-D design, costumes, photographs, ceramics, prints, posters, architectural model, installation and computer art. The exhibition gallery was partitioned into 8 sections. Works of the same nature were grouped together.