About WYK
Please follow the link or click the photo to view the video - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_oMA3DoOO24vTPizb5j40CIK8SDVlJsO/view
Dear Friends and Schoolmates of James Tong,
To remember and honour James Tong, we contacted Mr. Warren Chung, Principal of Wah Yan Kowloon about setting up a one-time scholarship in the name of James. We sent a public announcement to you in early November 2020 about the at Wah Yan College, Kowloon. Contributions were to be sent to Wah Yan Kowloon directly, which would be used as one-time scholarships awarded to worthy students who demonstrated academic achievement as well as resilience to hardship.
We are pleased to report that Wah Yan Kowloon collected a total of HK$40,025 by January of 2021. After carefully reviewing the applications, Mr. Chung, the school principal, and his team decided to award a scholarship in the sum of HK$7,000 to each of the six students, selected from each level of the school, that is, Form One to Form Six.
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For more information --> https://www.facebook.com/WahYan100/
Click the image above to see more pictures of WYK soccer teams in the early 1960’s (courtesy of Dermot Chan ’65).
James Tong Scholarship at WYK in support of students in need. Please click here to view the Appeal Letter by Principal Chung
James Tong passed away on October 4, 2020. His wife Marita wrote a touching tribute in which she said in lieu of flowers, “James will be very pleased if you do an unexpected act of generosity in his name.” To honour her wish and in the spirit of what James had done all his life, we looked into different options by way of setting up a James Tong fund to help students in Hong Kong. We are pleased that WYK has a “Fr. Kelly Educational Fund Ltd” in place, and under this fund, we can easily set up a Professor James Tong Scholarship for Resilience” (see separate document attached) to help students in need. Recipients of James Tong scholarship, each in the amount of HK$10,000, will be WYK students from S.1 to S.6 who have shown resilience in adversity and displayed satisfactory academic and non-academic performance despite family financial hardship. Under this fund, WYK will report to us each year how many James Tong scholarships are awarded using donations to James Tong Scholarship.
去年此時正值校園躁動期,教育局當時指示學校按機制訓輔,至今年6月起促學校懲處屢勸不改的學生。香港華仁、九龍華仁書院校監周守仁受訪,談及未來遇上學生相關行為的應對,他不希望學生有激動、躁動行為,但如果有,會先了解,當學生感受到學校願意聆聽,學生才願意聆聽學校,形容那是「teachable moment」(教育的時機)。港華前校長、現為助理校監的蘇英麟亦認同,指校方任何時候是從教育角度出發跟進學生不恰當行為,聆聽、對話、指導,不是立即罰學生留堂便了事,強調要學生同行,有「empathy」(同理心)理解他們,不代表同意他們。.....(點擊閱讀全文)