A First List of the Works of T. C. Lai (賴恬昌 先生著作書目初稿)              Yu Fong-ying (余晃英)   [Calligraphy of T. C. Lai]

Professor T.C. Lai, JP, was born in 1921. He is the author of over forty books on Chinese art and culture. He was the chairman of the Hong Kong Translation Society, president of the Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island West, a member of the Government's Public Service Commission and the Chinese Language Committee. As Hong Kong's first professional trained in the field of continuing education at Manchester University, Prof. Lai took charge of the Department of Extramural Studies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong from 1965 to 1984. He is now retired and writes, paints and practices calligraphy.

(from the press release of Grotto Fine Art in its exhibition “Elegant Brush: Calligraphy of T.C. Lai” from October  15 to November 1, 2003)

A Study of the Relationship between Experience and Expression in English Poetry, Especially That of George Meredith, G.M. Hopkins and Robert Bridges. Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong, 1957 

Selected Chinese Sayings成語選譯. HK: University Book Store, 1st ed. 1960; 4th ed., 1970

Love Poetry from the Chinese. Co-translator, with Jen Tai. HK: University Bookstore, 1968

A Scholar in Imperial China. HK: Kelly & Walsh, 1970

Chinese Couplets 對聯.  HK: University Book Store & Kelly & Walsh, 1st edition 1969, 2nd ed. 1970; 文致, 1977

Chinese Proverbs (with monotype prints by Y.T. Kwong). HK: Kelly & Walsh, 1970; Swindon Book Co., 1978

T’ang Yin (Poet-Painter, 1470-1524). HK: Kelly & Walsh, 1971

Chinese Poetry (with monotype prints by Y. T. Kwong) HK: Swindon book Co., 1972

The Eight Immortals. HK: Swindon Book Co., 1972

A Chinese Book of Friendship. HK: Swindon Book Co., 1973

Chinese Calligraphy: Its Mystic Beauty. HK: Swindon Book Co., 1973

Ch’i Pai Shih. HK: Swindon Book Co. & Seattle: University of Washington, 1973

The Romance of the Western Chamber, by Wang Shifu. Co-translator, with S. E. Garmarekian. HK: Heinemann Educational Books (Asia), 1973

Chinese Painting: Its Mystic Essence. (題畫詩文譯釋) HK: Swindon Book Co., 1974

Pa Ta Shan Jen: Chinese Monk-Painter. HK: Swindon Book Co., 1974

Chinese Calligraphy: An Introduction, Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1975, 1982

Three Contemporary Chinese Painters: Chang Da-chien, Ting Yin-yung, Ch’eng Shih-fa. HK: Swindon Book Co. & Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1975

Chinese Seals. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1st US edition 1976

Kweilin, China’s Most Scenic Spot. HK: Kelly & Walsh, 1976

Mountain Love Songs (with Chien Ju Kuo). HK:  Swindon Book Co., 1976

The Art and Profession of Translation: Proceedings of the Asian Foundation Conference on Chinese-English Translation. Editor. HK: Hong Kong Translation Society, 1976

Treasures of a Chinese Studio: Ink, Brush, Inkstone, Paper. HK: Swindon Book Co.,  1976

Chinese Motifs in Modern Art: The Silk Screens of Kwong Yeu Ting. With Yeu Ting Kwong. HK: Kelly & Walsh, 1977

Hong Kong: Images on Shifting Waters: An Anthology.  Co-editor Joyce Hsia. HK: Kelly & Walsh, 1977

A Wild Swan’s Trail: the Travels of a Mandarin. Editor. HK: Hong Kong Book Centre, 1978

Chinese Decorated Letter-paper箋譜. HK: Swindon Book Co., 1978

Chinese Food for Thought 食談. HK: Hong Kong Book Centre, 1978

The Young Cowherd and Other Poems. With Monica Lai. HK: Kelly & Walsh, 1978

書法藝術.  (賴嘉年翻譯). 香港中華書局, 1978

Rhapsodic Essays from the Chinese. With Monica Lai. HK: Kelly & Walsh, 1979

Visiting China: a Cultural Guide, HK: Swindon Book Co., 1st ed. 1979; NY: Hypocrene Books, 1983

印章藝術.  (賴嘉年翻謹) 香港 中華書局, 1979; 台北鼎文書局, 2001

Cao Yu, The Consort of Peace, translated by Monica Lai, edited by T.C. Lai. HK: Kelly & Walsh, 1980

Chinese Characters. HK:  Swindon Book Co., 1980

Huang Bing Hong  (Huang Pin Hung) 1864-1955. HK: Swindon Book Co., 1980

Understanding Chinese Painting (with Wucius Wong). HK: Kelly & Walsh; NY: Schoken Books, 1980

Jade Flute: The Story of Chinese Music . With Robert Mok. HK: Hong Kong Book Centre, 1981; NY: Schoken Books, 1985

Animals of the Chinese Zodiac. HK: Hong Kong Book Centre, 1982; 3rd edition 1989 

Brushwork in Chinese Landscape Painting (Mandarin Chinese and English edition). HK: Chung Hwa Book Co. & Swindon Book Co., 1983 山水皴法: 一百五十餘家. 香港中華書局

More Chinese Sayings.  NY: Hippocrene Books, 1983

Things Chinese. (with H. Hofe & P. Mao).  Editor. HK: Swindon Book Co., 1983

To the Yellow Springs: The Chinese View of Death. Jointly published by HK: Joint Publishing Co. & Kelly & Walsh, 1983

At The Chinese Table. HK: Oxford University (China), 1984

Noble Fragrance: Chinese Flowers & Trees. HK: Swindon Book Co., 1985

Magic Mountains: The Art of Yu Chengyao. HK: Kelly & Walsh, 1987

Chinese Painting (Images of Asia). NY: Oxford University Press, USA, 1992

Hong Kong, a Pictorial Homage. 香港頌讚. HK: Hong Kong Book Centre, 1994

山水田園詩選. 1995

Hong Kong Rhapsody: The Art of T.C. Lai. HK: Hong Kong Book Centre, 1997

江山卧遊 ---  賴恬昌書畫. HK: University Museum and Art Gallery, University of Hong Kong. 1999

Other books:

Five Seasons of a Golden Year: A Chinese Pastoral. By Fan Cheng-ta. Translated by Gerald Bullet, Calligraphy by T.C. Lai. HK: Chinese University Press, 1980

Leaves of Prayer: the Life and Poetry of He Shuangqing, a Farmwife in Eighteenth Century China. By Elsie Choy, Calligraphy by T. C. Lai.  HK: Chinese University Press, 1993, 2000.

香港翻譯學會慈善展: 賴恬昌書畫選. 香港: 香港翻譯學會, 2005

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以上是利用電腦搜集賴恬昌先生著作書名所得, 共五十三條。 賴先生的書, 重印重編多有, 有時中英版本兼備, 有時中外出版社同步或先後出書。 雖然與 嶺南大學”中國當代作家口述歷史計劃 –

賴恬昌著作簡目”互作校對,但恐怕以上書目 仍有重覆或缺漏, 希望讀者能賜告, 俾能補充改正, 先此道謝。(電郵地址: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

 賴恬昌先生的父親是賴際熙太史 (1865-1937),  晚清進士、香港大學中文總教習及教授。在港設立學海書樓。 賴恬昌先生幼承庭訓,  克紹箕裘。中文家學淵源, 在港大則攻讀英文, 故中英兼擅,曾往英國深造, 回港致力成人教育, 任中文大學校外課程主任。又創立香港翻譯學會, 溝通融會中西文化。他專門把中國事物介紹給外國人, 三十年出書五十多 本, 舉凡 傳统詩詞文章、書畫文玩、音樂藝術、山水花鳥,  一一向人道出其奧妙, 展示中國傳统人文風景。 他又擅於書畫, 書法猶為有名。 畫則 揉合傳统與超現實, 摸索創新。

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Vancouver July 5, 2013