Welcome to WYKAAO
Welcome to WYKAAO
Apart from our big congratulations, we have the greatest respect for our Class of 2022! Thwarted by the pandemic from S4 through S6, they never lost their hearts; instead, they exhibited tenacity and resilience. In their final year, when they were busy preparing for the HKDSE exams, Hong Kong was swept by the fifth wave of the pandemic, and the city was grounded to a near halt, not to mention the DSE exam schedule underwent rounds of adjustment. Amid volatility and uncertainty, Class 2022 prevailed.
Team Wah Yan had a friendly soccer game with alumni from La Salle College on a sunny afternoon (July 3) at Calvert Park in Markham.
The pandemic had deprived our athletes of the opportunity to shine in the Inter-School Athletics Competition (Division 1) for two years. This year, battling against a stiff headwind under the pandemic, our young athletes were eager to brace for fierce competitions on the track and field at the Inter-School Athletics Competition 2021-22, unlocking their potential, realizing their talents and fighting for the glory of Wah Yan.
“Last Day” is a tradition started many years ago, perhaps dating back to the formation of the school’s Students’ Union. It might have started simply, as students came back on the last day of school to get teachers and friends to write some memorial lines and to have pictures taken together. It has evolved over the years. It usually takes place in the hall balcony where the principal might give a farewell speech. There would be tea and cakes for teachers and students in the common room in the East Wing, often subsidized by the Alumni Association. In the last decade or so, the graduates formed a big circle in the car park and there would be student-led chatting, chanting and singing.
It is with great sadness to receive the news from her family that Ms. Gertrude Chan of Maryknoll Convent School passed away peacefully on June 1st at Hennick Bridgepoint Hospital. Ms. Chan had been an enthusiastic and active supporter of WYKAAO’s functions and activities since the formation of our alumni association decades ago. She will be dearly missed.
Here are the details of the arrangements for Ms. Chan's funeral.
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