Welcome to WYKAAO
Welcome to WYKAAO
AGM 2020 was held on Sunday October 18. Because of the pandemic, the meeting was conducted online through video conferencing. Three recipients of Scholastic Achievement Award were announced, namely Nathan Cheng, Naomi So and Senaida Ng who also joined the virtual meeting from the US. Teddy Cheung (’00) and Sonny Sie (’60) were members of the class years that were honoured in this AGM. Eric Li (’95), joining the meeting from Kelowna, B.C., gave a brief recount of his endeavour since he left Toronto ten years ago.
While the current situation does create a challenge to meet physically, it does however provide an opportunity for geographically distant members and guests to get together on a platform which may well become part of the ‘new normal’. Members are encouraged to continue supporting the alumni association by e-Transferring the annual membership fee of $20 to
James loved and adored our mom. They shared a truly amazing relationship. Our mom passed away on 17 October 2000 in Toronto Canada. To commemorate the 20th anniversary of her death, James had planned a family reunion. But his own illness and eventual death on 3 October - two weeks before mom's day of remembrance - tragically ended his plan. When I looked through my footage of James throughout the years, it is no surprise that his eulogy at mom's funeral moved me the most. There he was, the loving son remembering his mother with tenderness and intense emotions. I thought this would be a most fitting way to remember him - his love for our mom which was the foundation for his love for humanity. I think he will approve too.
Click the picture above to read the article on tributes to James Tong ('65) from a group of classmates and friends.
Click the picture above to read the article.
It is with heavy hearts and deep sadness that we announce the passing of James, at 1:20 am PST this morning. His wife was at his bedside holding his hand. He was peaceful and smile when he took his last breath. He is with God now in heaven.
AGM 2020 Notice
Here is the link for the AGM 2020 Notice and the Attendance/Director Nomination Form. If you cannot attend or will be late for the AGM, please send your proxy to a director or another attending member so that we can form a quorum for the meeting.
Meeting Platform
Because of the pandemic, AGM this year will be held via online conferencing. Details on how to join the meeting will be sent to those who have registered to attend. In addition to regular AGM agenda items, recipients of Scholastic Achievement Award and members of the Honoured Classes will be announced in the meeting as well.
To register, please click here, or fill out this form and mail it to WYKAAO.
Because of the pandemic, Terry Fox Run 2020 was a virtual run held on Sunday September 20. We leave it up to our team members to choose how to celebrate their Terry Fox effort – walk, run, dance, hike – on a favourite route of their own. This year also marks the 40th anniversary of the event. One of our team members, Teddy Cheung (’00), was pictured here with his lovely family doing the Run at a park. Our team has collectively raised over $4,200 so far this year thanks to generous donations from our supporters!
去年此時正值校園躁動期,教育局當時指示學校按機制訓輔,至今年6月起促學校懲處屢勸不改的學生。香港華仁、九龍華仁書院校監周守仁受訪,談及未來遇上學生相關行為的應對,他不希望學生有激動、躁動行為,但如果有,會先了解,當學生感受到學校願意聆聽,學生才願意聆聽學校,形容那是「teachable moment」(教育的時機)。港華前校長、現為助理校監的蘇英麟亦認同,指校方任何時候是從教育角度出發跟進學生不恰當行為,聆聽、對話、指導,不是立即罰學生留堂便了事,強調要學生同行,有「empathy」(同理心)理解他們,不代表同意他們。.....(點擊閱讀全文)
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