Welcome to WYKAAO
Welcome to WYKAAO
Edmond Wong (’71, seen receiving the trophy) led a team in his condominium for winning the title of ‘most participants in a team’ in Mon Sheong Fun Run & Walk 2020.
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Terry Fox Run 2020, 40th Anniversary, will turn into a Virtual Run this year (Sunday, September 20). Team WYKAAO continues to participate in the event and hope you can join us or support us through generous donations for this very worthwhile cause.
Henry is a teacher of WYK, also an alumnus graduated in the 90's.
Henry Yuen is a missionary, an inspirational teacher, a faithful servant to god, a loving husband and father, and a loyal friend to so many. His kindness has touched so many lives and generations.
Please consider donating what you can, share and pray.
公教報 主曆 2020 年 06 月 21 日 常年期第十二主日 第 3983 期
每天參與意識省察 安靜身心學習分辨
Words from Chairman
Dear Brothers,
The 50th AGM of WYKPSA was successfully held on 30 May 2020. It is my great honour to be elected as the Chairman of WYKPSA again and allow me continue to serve our alma mater and alumni.
All Exco candidates have been elected smoothly. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce our Office Bearers of this term:
Chairman: Stephen Lam (96)
Vice Chairmen: Cedric Ko (94), Chris Chan (96), Vincent Li (96),
Honorary Secretary: YK Yiu (96)
Honorary Treasurer: Paul Chan (07)
We will continue to do our best to reunite brotherhood and to serve our alma mater. We need ideas, constructive comments and suggestions. Please feel free to share with us!
In Hoc Signo Vinces!
Sincerely Yours,
Stephen Lam (96)
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