Welcome to WYKAAO
Welcome to WYKAAO
Today, a miracle happens. Fr Deignan is well enough to record this audio, thanking God and evryone...Please click to listen.
在得識老師喪禮後,旅居愛民頓的李平章同學,在十六晚飛多倫多,由楊佐行同學接機,剛好趕上Jerrett Funeral Home殯儀館的悼念活動。禮成後,才到附近之《皇后名粥》喫晚飯,更踫上由美國羅省及本地出席的七一年同學,飯後各自回家休息,預備參加翌日的追思彌撒。
二零一八年,十一月十五日傍晚,飛機甫一降落機場,就開始下雪。今年多倫多的第一場雪,連續下到第二天中午。 寒風飛雪愁煞人。幸虧有同學接機,大伙兒設宴款待遠方三位來客,一窩家鄉風味的「豬肚菜干湯」溫暖心窩。 席間,同學們都沉悶,話題多圍繞著何 Sir, 懷念老師也! 胃口倒是很好,因為佳肴美酒難抗拒。
臨來前,多倫多同學告訴我,將有 “神秘禮物” 贈送。得書三本,上中下「全唐文紀事」。那全是何Sir 讀過的書,有他的薟名:Anthony Ho, 10, 1966. 書真多,每個同學都受贈一本何Sir 擁有過的書,全是中文。那年代的先生,無論是教數理化,或是教天文地理,他們中文的根基都很紮實。 怪不得江紹倫教授說,Although he taught Math, he could have been a poet.
Mr Anthony Ho's Funeral Mass. Please click here for more photos. Click here to see pictures at Visitation with Prayer and Eulogy Service.
My family and I would like to express our heartfelt thank you to the Wah Yan Alumni family for the overwhelming tributes that were shared in WYKAAO, Jerrett book of memories, and with my family.
Over 300 family and friends attended my father’s funeral services to pay respect to a remarkable man. My father has had the opportunity and honour to serve and positively impact many lives. He was very fortunate to have had a blessed life with lifelong love and respect of friends. In addition to the great teacher and talented person many saw in Chun Yuen Anthony Ho; above all, my family was fundamentally the core in my father’s life. He has been our protector, our rock and centre of our family and we will miss him dearly. We hope we were able to share this other side of my father with you in our eulogies and at the services.
《悼良師 — 何鎮源先生》
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our most respected vice principal and WYKAAO advisor Mr Anthony Ho on the 8th of November 2018 in Toronto. He was 83. May he rest in peace! The following are the funeral arrangements:
with Prayer and Eulogy service at 7pm
November 16 (Friday) 6pm – 9pm
Jerrett Funeral Home
6191 Yonge Street
North York, Ontario
Funeral Mass
November 17 (Saturday) 10am – 11am
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
3526 Sheppard Avenue East
Scarborough, Ontario
Click here to see the details at the memorial webpage.
- click here to send your thoughts on Ho Sir to us
- remembering Ho Sir in poems
{s5_media_player media=[video] width=[530] height=[298] video_mp4=[2018/Message_from_Warren_Chung_on_WYKAAO_35th_Anniversary.mp4] image=[http://wykontario.org/wykaao_doc/videos/2018/Message_from_Warren_Chung_on_WYKAAO_35th_Anniversary.jpg] image_visibility=[true]}
WYKAAO was celebrating its 35th anniversary on Sunday October 21 at Premiere Ballroom & Convention Centre. Close to 150 alumni, family members and guests attended the event, with Rev. Peter Siu S.J. being our guest of honour. Joint-school alumni associations were very supportive with a showing of about 40 members from the community, and helping out the program by participating in karaoke singing segment. A sideshow of pictures from activities in the past 35 years was shown throughout the evening.
Alumni from classes graduated 40, 50 and 60 years ago were honoured and presented with a souvenir. Winners from an internal table tennis tournament and a World Cup soccer game were mentioned and awarded with their prizes. A ceremony of cake cutting then took place, followed by ballroom and line dancing. There were a number of happy guests collecting their prizes from lucky draws. Two cash prizes, donated by Mr. Anthony Ho, went to Alan Leong (’01) and Bianca (GHS) while Jimmy Chan (’65) scored the grand prize. Click here to see the official pictures, and here for pictures submitted by our members and friends. A short video clip can be viewed here.
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