Welcome to WYKAAO
Welcome to WYKAAO
St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese School Alumni Association held its 2018 annual dinner at Century Palace Chinese Restaurant on Saturday September 29. A number of joint-school friends, including Wilson So and Jeff Mah from WYKAAO, also attended the event.
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Date: October 11, 2018 (Thursday)
Time: 10 a.m.
Place: St. Ignatius Chapel at Wah Yan College, Kowloon
56 Waterloo Road, Yaumatei, Kowloon
Presider: Most Rev. Bishop Michael Yeung
There will be no burial after the Funeral Mass. Fr. Naylor has donated his remain to HKU for medical studies. HKU will receive his remain on the next day.
Since Fr. Naylor had always been a promoter of environmental conservation, please refrain from sending flower arrangements to the funeral.
In lieu of flowers, please feel free to make your donation to “Fr. Kelly Educational Fund Limited”. The proceeds will benefit education at WYK. Please provide a proper name and return address if a receipt is required for tax purpose (if given with a cheque).
As parking is very limited on that day, people who are planning to join the funeral mass are expected by the School to use public transport.
Dear Friends and Alumni of WYK,
In Christian hope, I am informing you that our beloved Fr. Harold Naylor, S.J. has returned to our Lord for his eternal reward at 4:17 pm today (4/10).
Fr. Naylor was a Jesuit educator par excellence and one of the most endearing figures of Wah Yan College, Kowloon. He will also be remembered for his commitment in ecological education and Christian ecumenism.
Details on his funeral arrangement will be announced when available.
May Fr. Naylor intercede for us in his heavenly home!
(From Fr. Stephen Chow S.J.)
The Award is open to students whose aggregate total of their best six Grade 12 credits gained in 2017~2018 academic year is 480 or over. Details of the award, its qualifications and the application form can be found here.
Successful candidates will be notified and invited to receive their awards at WYKAAO 35th Anniversary Celebration Dinner on Sunday, 21st October 2018.
Sacred Heart Canossian College Alumni Association Ontario held its 2018 annual dinner at Elegance Chinese Cuisine & Banquet on Sunday September 16. A number of joint-school friends (including Andrew Tang and Wilson So from WYKAAO) also attended the event. Click here to see more pictures.
St. Francis' Canossian College Alumni Association Ontario held its annual dinner at Golden Court Abalone Restaurant on Friday September 14. A number of joint-school friends (including Jeff Mah from WYKAAO) also attended the event. Click here to see more pictures.
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