Welcome to WYKAAO
Welcome to WYKAAO
Our former teacher, Ms Monica Tang (1978-1994) passed away peacefully on July 16, at Scarborough General Hospital after battling against cancer bravely for over a year.
She had been a teacher with the Toronto District Board of Education since 2001.
Requiem Mass will be held at the Holy Spirit Roman Catholic Church, Scarborough, on July 27 at 10.00 am.
Date: August 18, 2018 (Saturday)
Time: 11 am
Cost: Free
Venue: Garden Terrace at Markham Mon Sheong Court (North Building)
2 Sun Yat-Sen Avenue, Markham (near Midland and Steeles Ave E)
All members, their family members and friends of WYKAAO are welcome. To register, please click here or
An optional program during the picnic is to tour the new Mon Sheong Private Care facility at the same location. Please also let us know when you register if you are interested in joining the tour.
Details of parking instructions will be sent out at a later date to those who had registered. Car-pooling is encouraged. Come join us for a fun and relaxing gathering; see you all in the picnic!
WYHK - Concerning the result of our application to change our mode of funding to DSS, we have received a letter from EDB on 17th July informing us that their decision is not to accede to our application. While we are much disappointed at their decision, we are determined to continue with our vision of finding ways to make Jesuit education available to students from different socio-economic backgrounds and our commitment of improving the quality of our education.......(read the whole announcement).
With FIFA World Cup 2018 drawn to a close, we also have the final results of our fun competition. Four contestants had correctly picked France as the champion. Victor Tong (’68) is one of them, making him the winner of our fun game with 31 points. Congratulations to Victor for his near-perfect predications from Round of 16 to the Final. Second place is Andrew Tang (’65) who also correctly picked the champion, with 26 points. Victor and Andrew will each get a free ticket (value at $88), sponsored by Tim Kwan (’67), for our Alumni’s 35th Anniversary Dinner on Sunday Oct 21.
Thank you to all members who had entered the game and showed your support of our alumni association’s activities.
With hard fought matches against various teams in a day-long table tennis tournament at Markham Pan Am Centre organized by Hong Kong Inter-School Alumni Associations (HKISAA), Team WYKAAO is the second runner-up out of 16 teams. Congratulations to the team and all supporters! Click here to see more pictures.
The annual table tennis tournament organized by Hong Kong Inter-School Alumni Associations (HKISAA) is scheduled to take place on July 14 (Saturday) at Markham Pan Am Centre. WYKAAO is sending a team to participate in the event. Please come and support our team!
Victor Tong (’68) continued to lead the competition by correctly picking the two winning teams in the quarter finals, with 23 points now. The second place currently is Andrew Tang (’65) with 18 points, followed by Wilson Kwong (former WYK teacher) with 15 points. Final results of the fun game will be announced after the final match this Sunday. Stay tuned!
With the completion of quarter finals, here are the latest results of our fun game. Victor Tong (’68) had correctly picked all four teams that get into semi finals, with 15 points currently leading the game. With 11 points is Wilson Kwong (former WYK teacher), followed by a four-way tie among Andrew Tang (’65), Peter Lee (’77), Simon Ho (’79) and Raymond Chan (’73), each having 10 points.
Results of semi-finals and the final may change the current positions since 4 points will be awarded for each team picked correctly for winning the semi-finals, and 8 points for picking the right champion. Stay tuned!
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